In 1966, Richard Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven, developed a strategy to overload the public Welfare system and precipitate a crisis leading to the replacement of the system with a national guaranteed income that, in their minds, would end poverty in the U.S. This became well known as “The Cloward and Piven Strategy”.

Need it be said that they were both professors indoctrinating the leaders of today with the ways of Communism. As teachers at the Columbia University School of Social Work, they were able to instill Utopian thoughts in the accepting minds of today’s Progressive/Socialist/Democrats.

Their ploy has since become the mainstream thought and platform of the current Democrat party. As president, Obama did his level best to over-regulate private business causing mass unemployment and need for government “safety net” programs. With the help of community organizers, President Obama increased the demand on the nation’s entitlement Welfare system and carried the concept of induced poverty to include WICS, section 8 housing subsidies, Obamaphones and encouraged many former workers to partake of disability payments through the Social Security fund.

One Democrat, Senator Ben Cardin, recently suggested that we welcome the hordes of impoverished Central and South Americans of the caravan into our country, thus, further straining our current resources. Beyond that, he also called for “investing” more U.S. income earners’ money by giving the thieves heading the pseudo-democratic socialist dictatorships of our neighbors to the south greater opportunity to continue the practices that harm the citizenry of those countries.

Today’s amplified and exaggerated version of the strategy promulgated by the pair of anarchists envelopes more than the monetary subsidies extended by federal agencies. It is also burdening education, health care and the court systems. It is straining the civil, criminal and federal courts by introducing otherwise illegal foreigners to the courts in addition to citizens and legal residents.

Currently, there is said to be a backlog in the immigration courts exceeding 700,000 cases. Add to that the human procession estimated at 7,000-10,000 headed north from Mexico’s southern border. Their intent (actually the intent of the multi-billionaire globalists funding the incursion) is to destroy our sovereignty; to break down the borders that define our country and create chaos and anarchy. Many, if not most, of the intruders will be awarded benefits paid for by you and your fellow citizens.

The socialists among our population and elected leaders are destined to use the inevitable “crisis” created to further their goals of remaking our country into one from which people, in just a few short years, will try to escape.

There is only a week left to mark your ballot for continued economic growth, prosperity and rule of law or the likeness of Venezuela.

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