The government, the news cycles, the debates all continue to pound us with the fact that we now have $18 trillion in debt. That’s scary.   However, what they fail to present is that the United States is suffering under a burden that lies somewhere between $125 trillion to $130 trillion in unfunded liabilities beyond the announced $18 trillion “debt”.

The true amount is difficult to accurately identify because it depends on the accounting method used by the government. The method du jour varies according to what they want to present or hide.

Hellooo!  Unfunded liabilities are debt, too. It is money obligated for contracted purchases of goods, services and programs. It is the government’s credit card spending; obligate the money now and pay for it on time, with interest, hoping that some money will come in to cover it before the next minimum payment comes due.  It’s money promised for Welfare, health care, school subsidies, subsidies to state governments, grants and subsidies to foreign governments, etc. Our government has promised, but has not yet figured out how to pay for, over $127,000,000,000,000 in liabilities.

This is what is known as a national security threat! Climate change will not be a concern when the master banker of the world collapses.

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Unbelievably, a majority of our elected elite are willing to again raise the debt ceiling and continue spending into oblivion. It’s not like the coming chaos is unforeseen. When you have $X coming in and $X+4 being spent and obligated, you’re going to run out of money at some point.

The logical way of easing the problem is to cut back on spending. The current way is continue with status quo; blame the previous president and congress but continue spending. Congress after congress, Democrat controlled and Republican controlled, there has not been a budget passed by congress in over ten years. This country has been operating on continuing resolutions with projected escalation since well before Bush left office. Congress continues to appropriate nonexistent funds.

This is like your neighbor who knew his continued employment was tenuous, had no savings to fall back on, yet continued his extravagant life paying the minimum on his maxed limit credit cards with what he could borrow from friends. He kept asking for higher limits on his accounts until he could no longer make the minimum payments and his car payment so he lost his car…then his house…then his wife before declaring bankruptcy to relieve his burden. All could have been saved if he just quit buying more unneeded stuff and spending frivolously a couple of years earlier.

So, free college for all. Free medical care for all. Free public transportation for all. Free meals for all. Free housing for all. Open the borders and let more people in.  No need to work, the government is here for you.  They’ll just keep borrowing and spending until our creditors cut us off. Enjoy the ride, it’s all free.  IT’S ALL FREE!

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