May 6, 2024

I’m all in for innovation, social and technological advancement. But I have a really hard time with the government using my tax dollars to subsidize a company, corporation or pseudo-government enterprise beyond it’s “best by” date. If a project is truly useful to society, it should generate sufficient revenue by its’ self to maintain viability. Be it donations or user fees, if it’s wanted and needed it will survive on its own.

Wind and solar power are proving to be more costly than beneficial with many subsidized companies declaring bankruptcy despite receiving tens, or even hundreds, of millions in taxpayer dollars. Prime example: Solyndra – the recipient of $535,000,000 in 2009 and bankruptcy declarant in 2011. Why was the company given the loan guaranty? It was because they were otherwise insolvent. Their product was more costly than the market would bear and continued to be despite the taxpayer input.

Numerous wind generating programs have been scuttled after receiving grants/loan guarantees because insufficient diligence was put into their viability or social acceptability. Such off-shore projects are decimating the fishing industry off both our coasts. Whales, sea lions, dolphins and other aquatic mammals are being killed by the constant invasive sounds emitted from the generators and gear boxes down through the support bases that interfere with the navigation and communication among and between the species.

Other projects that our “representatives” in Congress choose to spend your money on include: plays and local playhouses, artists and art few people want or can afford and studies that verify foregone conclusions because the end result was known and obvious before the proposal was written. Come on guys, ducks waddle because their weight distribution over only two legs causes them a single-footed imbalance. There is no need for a three million dollar grant for Senator What’s His Name’s brother-in-law’s firm to study if projecting gender dysphoria onto sub-teens causes confusion, depression and other mental problems.

The latest government funding fiasco is, of course, giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the tens of millions of foreign invaders. There must be an understanding that these giveaways are only free to the recipients. They are at the expense of the companies, corporations and individual citizens of this country. The endowments offered include food, housing, medical care, clothing, education, legal assistance (including translators), phones and refillable debit cards for those few things that are not directly sponsored by the citizens. This catastrophe is causing the displacement of military veterans, medical and education costs to rise precipitously undue inflation and taxation beyond necessity for “We the People”.

All this is happening while we continue to fund an unwinnable war with no accounting for graft, embezzlement, waste and other corruption. We are doing so at the cost of severely depleting our own resources and the reserves necessary to maintain viability as a sovereign country.

We are now subsidizing, via taxation, a government that is thereafter subsidizing practical but nonviable projects, programs and studies (Read: wasting your money) that only provide individual benefit to the elected decision-makers. Members of Congress spend most of their time on our dime thinking of ways to spend our money to get themselves re-elected. Instead, they should be re-aligning the laws and codes to reflect today’s needs v. those of the 1890s whose mandates have been overwritten so many times that they are obfuscated to the point their interpretation for current application often becomes villainous interpolation.

It is well beyond time to pare back the needless spending on foolish and unnecessary wants, schemes and projects of the administration and concentrate more on the “needs” of the American people. We must seek and elect people for office who share the concerns of the populace over the irrelevant desires of the lobbyists.


April 10, 2024

Every month the government produces records of how many jobs were created the previous month. To make the reports look optimistic, the propagandist “news” organizations relate only the number of jobs and sometimes cover the largest categories of growth. They list them as “nonfarm payroll” jobs. What they remarkably fail to point out is that of the total number of jobs each month, are government jobs (generally between 20% and 25%). Also included, to pump the numbers, are the jobs filled by the non-taxpaying, illegal aliens. The government is growing faster than can be supported by the taxes paid by the employees of the other jobs added.

New agencies (DHS, EPA, DOE, etc.) are added regularly that require even more people to fill new sub-posts. E.g. each agency requires a director and a staff of +/- 12 additional aides, secretaries and press propagandists. Within each agency is often found 2 or more unique departments which also require similar staffing. Each agency and department grows to require even greater budgets for the following fiscal year.

Our federal government, and many regional governments (city, county and state) have over the years, been growing to unhealthy obesity; growth beyond need or reason. Even a blind man can see that our federal government is over-bloated; a ramification of death cycle decomposition.

Decomposition is the process of decay that will ultimately render a once live body indistinguishable from it’s natural form. It is a buildup of gasses, enzymes and bacteria within the organs that healthy life would counter and keep in check.

As with dead bodies, our governments (local, state and federal) are unable to process waste. The life blood stops circulating and consumption from within begins. Budgetary waste becomes extensive within each agency and department. Annual audits identify tens of millions of dollars missing and unaccountable. Is that money embezzled, or simply spent on unnecessary and forgotten contracts or projects? We’ll never know. Independent auditors cannot identify the missing funds. And worse yet, the bulk of those funds are routinely simply written off the books yet increased with each successive funding cycle. Accountability is almost never sought.

Like the action of rigor mortise, the bodies of government become stiff and unyielding. Nobody wants to touch or come near. Everybody simply steps back and blindly denies the slow degradation as the bloated body becomes larger and even more useless, even to the buzzards.

Executive branch agencies and departments stonewall congressional oversight committees with obfuscation, discursion and denial of facts. Ergo, when accountability is dogged, no culpable person, group or department is identified and the questioning committee is restricted to making decisions on the testimony of the witnesses.

The only way to revive and once again become a viable nation is by tough love; doing what is tough out of love of America. Continuing to feed the beast until it kills or maims us all and it will only kill and maim us all. Now (actually years ago) is the time to begin paring back funding of wasteful spending. A good starting place might be reducing the number of lackadaisical bureaucrats spending their days at computers catching up on their email and seeking new places to eat lunch.

Stopping the flow of money to nations and people who regularly chant “death to America” would also help reign in outlandish spending. Another way would be to quit pouring money into unpractical or unfeasible projects created from whole cloth by lobbyists and promoted by our elected leaders to assure their re-election.

Term limits? Now there’s a way to rid the government of those who care-for-naught other than personal re-election. These are, for the most part, elected officials driven by the whims and wants of lobbyists, not necessarily the desires of their constituents or the needs of their districts or our nation as a whole.


April 3, 2024

Our history is short. The Mayflower landed in what is now Massachusetts on November 21, 1620. Using that date as the very earliest beginning of our nation, that means our society has been in existence for a mere 404 years. The founders declared independence from the British government in 1776, one hundred and fifty-six years later. Some scholars consider this the beginning of our nation. Others declare that it wasn’t until the assemblage of the Constitutional Convention (May 25 to September 17, 1787) and the document produced therein before we could consider ourselves a nation. That would reduce the timeline by yet another year+.

No matter which date you choose to accept as the beginning of our nation, the United States has been of historical relevance for a very short period of time.

Every governing domain of history has, over time, caused it’s own downfall. A singular prime example is the Roman Empire. Once a great and powerful society, it began to crumble as it grew beyond it’s own capability and the emperors lost consciousness and concern for the failings within. They worshiped multiple gods while small internal disputes took the attention from the major issues. Slavery, overspending, endless warring and political corruption all overcame the needs of the empire thus causing its demise.

The United States is at that same critical junction; the one where the government has grown to an unmanageable size. Congressional spending has no regard for the needs of the citizens or country, only the pleasures and desires of the governing body. The current trajectory is not sustainable.

Beyond that, those same governors individually and collectively, have chosen new and different or modified methods of collapsing the financial, social, cultural and legal structures to unrecognizable and chaotic shambles.

D.E.I. – Doing Everything Insanely – seems to be the current implementation method. Rather than utilizing normal and reasoned application of resources to achieve an objective, the Marxist voices are screaming for “fairness” among the participants regardless of their skills or ability. A failed outcome where everyone involved is equally enriched is better than one in which adroitness is valued and excellent outcomes are delivered.

As a result of D.E.I., we have a society that chooses not to identify man and woman as separate and distinct but considers both as adulterated sapiens. This Marxist ideology has seen wheels, doors and engine cowlings fly off of passenger planes mid-flight. It has caused major collapses in our transportation system including trains and cargo ships carrying hazardous materials wrecking infrastructure in populated areas. It has brought about endless streams of unknown peoples with unknown intent invading our country to receive more public services than do our own tax-paying citizens (the total consequences of which may not be known for years). This is not based on sound and reasoned judgment. It is part of the design to destroy a nation.

Yet another condition of D.E.I. is embedding lawless district attorneys who refuse to enforce the law to charge and prosecute criminals instead allowing them the freedom to re-offend and cause ever increasing havoc. Store owners cannot protect their merchandise without becoming victim of the lawlessness. Citizens cannot protect themselves or others from harm or death and are treated as the criminals they attempt to subdue.

Currently, we have an executive administration made up of more people enjoying positions due to their gender identification, pronoun choice, skin color or mutability among all the above than those who are educated, skilled and capable of doing the job for which we pay them.

We are, as a nation, electing people (or they assume office by other means) who have destruction of the nation as their foremost goal. We are in the final stages before the collapse.


March 12, 2024

After the Covid-19 “vaccine” fiasco, it should be painfully clear that synthetic pharmaceuticals are not the path to health. Yes, there are cases where laboratory manufactured products are helpful in mitigating the symptoms of certain ailments, maladies and illnesses. For the most part, however, the best they can do is manage symptoms not cure problems. For some, it means more problems created by the inhalation, injection, ingestion or epidermal absorption of unnatural chemical compositions.

To be certain, the definition of “vaccine” has morphed from:

a biological preparation providing active acquired immunity to an infectious or malignant disease. Vaccines typically contain forms of weakened disease-causing micro-organisms and are used to boost the body’s immune system prior to infection by the disease.”


any preventive preparation used to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific disease, using either messenger RNA or killed or weakened bacteria or viruses to prepare the body to recognize a disease and produce antibodies.”

Notice the difference between the historic and new definitions for the term “vaccine” to include the use of mRNA. This change in terminology was contrived by the cabal of pharmaceutical companies using RNA and DNA altering mRNA technology. The drug companies and their investors needed to project the illusion of safety and effectiveness upon the public and determined that use of the term “vaccine” would be accepted by most people. The companies still claim the toxins formulated therein as exclusive and proprietary information. (read: you cannot know what is in them)

There are still untold numbers of deaths, injuries and life-long afflictions caused by the altering of human RNA and DNA by these injections that did little to nothing about the infection or its transmissibility. The list of injuries is long and includes, but is not limited to, immediate anaphilaxys to blood clots to myocarditis and pericarditis to Guillian-Barre Syndrome and other neurological disorders to sterilization to turbo-cancers found in multiple organs and, yes, even death.

Doctors, the very people on whom we trust for sound health information and care, are highly incentivized by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe certain medications and do so widely but not always wisely. You don’t have to look far to find the detriment and death opioids have caused.


Is it because of the 72+ vaccines that are recommended and/or mandated for infants and children that we have a generation that doesn’t know if they are boys, girls, asexual or pseudo-hermaphrodites? Is it the number of different lab manufactured herbicides that we spray on our grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables that causes a higher incidence of autism in children than ever seen before? Is it the vaccines given to livestock that we eat that makes us vulnerable to so many diseases the body once successfully fought naturally? Is it the growth hormones given to our plants and animals that causes conflict and functional degradation within our neurological, muscular and mental health? Is it the chemicals sprayed in the atmosphere to mitigate “global climate change” that eventually find their way down to our growing fields? Could it be “all of the above”?

The next time your doctor tells you you must get a shot or take a pill in order to stay healthy, ask “Why, what’s in it?”. You’ll probably find that he or she can’t or won’t answer the question truthfully.

This posting might be considered Part II of one written about eight years ago titled POINTY HEADS KILLING US BY MESSING WITH NATURE”. <link>


January 29, 2024

There are evil people among us, many of whom are in positions of celebrity and/or influence such as sports, entertainment, media, education and government (redundancy of last three acknowledged). They promulgate and promote concepts that are contrary to human well-being for the sake of dominance. They instigate and declare ideas, openly, that divide their perceived underlings or charges into convenient, identifiable, conflicting but manageable groups.

The goal is controlled chaos/guided anarchy. Over the last couple of decades, division theory has grown exponentially. Division theory is well known by followers of Karl Marx. It is a primary necessity to the ultimate goal of socialism and dominance by a few over the many. It is presented, contrarily, as Utopian equity to the ignorant but useful idiots in order to encourage their support and their own eventual enslavement. These indoctrinated morons don’t recognize that they are formulating the demise of their own individuality (the abstraction of intelligence in humanity).

We are living in a time where an accusation, allegation or innuendo can cause a person to lose a job, career, friends and social status or even a court case. Simply calling someone a name now labels them rabble to be avoided hereafter to the grave. Such a label is impossible to argue and one is therefore guilty without the opportunity to prove their innocence. For a while, the utterance of “RACIST!” was enough to subject an opponent to humility. Try to prove you’re not racist! Overused, that term became useless and others had to be employed.

There are many terms used as pejoratives by those in disagreement and without data substantiating their perspective. Racist, homophobe, transphobe, Nazi, Maga, Ultra Maga, Ultra Maga Extremists and white supremacist are just a few of the replacement terms used disparagingly by the Marxist cabal to demean those who chose freedom, independence and self reliance over global communism.

The evil that must exist in the mind, body and spirit of those who choose ruthless verbalization to cancel others with a difference in belief or understanding is stupefying to those of us who hold respect for our fellow human beings. It is a way of usurping and expressing an undue dominance over an opponent or rival for strictly selfish purposes. When there are no facts to back a belief in discussion, some people believe that shutting down the conversation saves face. The use of invalid, unfounded and untrue derogatory slurs is their only salvation from the lost argument.

The animus and contempt of the few for the majority is currently being absorbed by the majority and shortly there will be a disproportionate push-back. The repudiation will be loud, strong and potentially even Antifa-like violent. Due to the number of incidents and the length of time the minions of the cabal have controlled the conversation in this manner, the retributive anger will undoubtedly be explosive.

It’s the ones doing the mud slinging who are frequently most deeply mired in the muck of their narcissistic environment. They are often guilty of the actions or events they call upon others.

Here are a few of the terms and methods currently in use throughout the globalist conspiracy to destroy all vestiges of normal humanity: transgender/agamogenetic surgeries, social credits, equity, CBDC, meatless society, environmental equity, global climate, CO2, bio-engineering, oppressor/oppressed.

Yet another method of altering mankind includes factioning people rather than accepting individuals. This is done by grouping individuals with similarities (some inherent and immutable, some by chosen association) and instituting animosities among them. Blacks/whites, blacks/Asians/Latinos, poor/wealthy ecology/humanity and conservative/liberal (“liberal” now being a political self-contradiction) are, again, just a few.

Please, be aware of who’s controlling your life and environment and how they’re doing it.