Archive for July, 2021


July 24, 2021

In today’s ever-changing world it’s often difficult to keep up with contemporary verbiage. In an effort to assist those who are not yet completely “WOKE”, here is a list of words to help you navigate the treacherous world of language and being in 2021 and beyond.

Alternative – Derogatory term to describe any person, thought, statement or action that does not conform to, or harmonize with, Marxist theology.

Bipartisan – Marxists get everything they want at the detriment and expense of the general public. Generally includes one or more RINOs who caved to bribery or coercion.

Birthing Person – A normal, healthy, woman capable of reproduction. This is a Marxist assault to make some persons feel less than whole. While it excludes women who, for medical reasons, cannot conceive or deliver a child it also directly demeans make-believe or want-to-be women (aka: transgender).

Cancel – The natural phenomenon that occurs when an individual thinks or acts, or has thought or acted, in a way that is not accepted by today’s leftist cabal.

Conspiracy Theorist – A person who expresses facts that are not in line with the manufactured and disseminated leftist narrative of the day. This person is generally proven to be right when that narrative falls apart.

Conspiracy Theory – The truth and any factual information that appears to contradict a Leftist Theory or narrative promoted by a leftist.

CRT – Cultural Revisionist Training or Culture Realignment Training (aka re-education) – A direct assault on, and rewriting of, recorded history. CRT is designed to meet the Marxist goals of destroying a constitutional republic. CRT causes children irreparable psychological harm that may, and often does, lead to suicidal or homicidal thoughts and actions.

Diversity – This term refers only to skin color and gender. Any thought or action, by any person of any skin color or gender, that does not comport with the leftist ideal is to be demeaned and ridiculed.

Dog Whistle – Words or actions that can only be identified by simple-minded and fragile leftists as derogatory. These can, and often are, meanings conflated by leftists. Dog whistles are only perceived by those seeking something about which to be offended.

Equity – A Marxist plan to assure that everybody not directly associated with or engaged in an overbearing government is made equal to the least capable, least worthy, emotionally weak or lazy. Subservience is the ultimate goal.

Extremist – Any person who believes that this country is worthy of his/her allegiance.

Fact Checkers – People paid to give credence to and defend any preposterous leftist statement and ridicule any reasonable or conservative statement.

Homophobe – A person who doesn’t submit to advances by a gay person. One who does not participate in a Gay Pride parade. Doing business out of town on parade day is no excuse for not participating or attending.

Journalist – Person who uses the ebullient adjectives to make an ignorant leftist look like Einstein and any conservative seem to be a nine-year-old idiot. Journalists generally need to sheepishly issue a softly worded correction within days.

Liar – A person who presents facts contrary to propaganda embraced by leftists.

Merit – Vile term denoting supremacy. Goals and achievement must be demeaned.

Nationalist – A despicable person who salutes the flag of the United States or stands for the National Anthem.

Negotiated Bipartisan Agreement – Identification that RINOs caved to the strong armed tactics of Democrats.

Not a Shred of Evidence – He/she did it but if he or she is a leftist, the FBI will not seek a shred of evidence. If it is a conservative, the same operatives will search high and low for years and cost taxpayers millions of dollars finding not a shred of evidence.

Peaceful Protest – Any riot in which no more than: 5 people are killed, $200 million in damages is incurred or more than 20 stores are looted of their inventory in any three day period.

PINO – President-In-Name-Only (aka: Resident of the White House). A person elevated to presidency who is incapable of the functioning in the position and requires the control of others.

Political News Reporter – A person who enhances the writings of a journalist using eulogy to describe persons and actions from one side of the political spectrum while castigating the same actions from the other.

Racist – Any person winning a debate or argument against a leftist.

Reimagine – Elimination of functioning principles and working programs to replace them with costly failures.

RINO – A person who has joined the Republican party to achieve an elected office yet does not hold conservative values or principles.

Transphobe – Any person who believes there are only two sexes (man and woman) and also believes that annulling the genetic differences of either one does not commute nature.

Truth – a. The opposite of the oft repeated pronouncements of any leftist.

b. The words or deeds individually or collectively stated by, or agreed upon by, any of the following: Facebook, Twitter, a liberal/progressive/Marxist person or group, NSA, CDC, WHO, Fauci, FBI, CIA or any other politically compromised person or organization are rarely truth.

White Supremacist – Anyone, of any race or skin color, who does not donate large sums of money to Black Lives Matter or Antifa. A person who does not participate in burning, looting and destruction within their city or neighborhood when called to action by a Marxist. A person who regularly flies an American flag in front of their home.

WOKE – a. Ignorantly aware of one’s surroundings.

b. Being extremely offended by any language or action that is different from what you choose to believe is correct.

Xenophobe – Person who respects law and order. Anyone who believes that people entering the United States of America should do so through proper channels not sneakingly under cover of darkness to avoid law enforcement officers.