Archive for September, 2016


September 30, 2016

“If it feels good, do it.” Hedonism became the way of teens and young adults growing up with the dawning of the age of Aquarius. They became known as the “Me” generation for their selfishness. Now, plus or minus 50 years and two generations later, it seems to be “What’s in it for me?”

Back in the mid ’60s through the late ’70s it was the way of the young to express themselves as sensualists; to be concerned only for themselves and what brought instant pleasure. The young culture made smoking marijuana a popular pastime. And they did pass time unproductively partaking of the inhalant. Sex became sport for the unmarried. The same people are now actively initiating and indoctrinating our youth in colleges and universities across the nation to become society’s barnacles.

The Millenial generation of today is very much like their parents and grand parents. They want and expect everything in life to become their personal, pleasurable rewards. Sexually confused, they proudly avow their demoralization. It is not just sexual or sensual pleasure that they seek, but the simplicity of idly receiving what others earn. While ignorant and unconcerned with life’s truths, some are willing to accept complacency in return for sustenance. Others demand more than just their keep, they want equality with those who produce.

They are unwilling to decide on anything that does not directly and positively affect their present. They see no further into the future than what they can receive today and tomorrow. Bernie Sanders was a great hit with the Millenials because he offered, and continues to offer, compensation for the evils of society. Democrats (progressive liberals if you wish) constantly pontificate about leveling the playing field so nobody trips while trying to remain equal.

Thus, today’s youth fears exposure to anything definite. They want acceptance, they just don’t want to accept. Anything that cannot be massaged or molded to fit today’s, this minute’s, wants must be rejected. If it can’t be rejected collectively, they run to a safety net.

Perversion of norms is necessary. Sex: “Eh, today I’ll get in touch with my feminine/masculine side. Tomorrow may be different but in the meantime I’ll make everybody accept me for what I am today.” Income: “I’ll probably just kinda live with my parents and let them provide for me, ’cause they have money, until someone offers me a job that pays enough to cause me to leave. Until then, I’ll beg for or demand acceptance and more benefits, as long as I don’t have to exert myself doing it.” Education: “I’ve been told, and I believe, I deserve a free education. Why should I have to pay for a degree in Social Justice. I’ll be helping the people of the world get their fair share of society’s privileges after I graduate.”

Just as many of the commune dwellers of last century learned that it was not the best life and had to take positions in society, today’s youth will learn the same. There is no free ride. You must produce or subsist. The hippies of yesteryear had the opportunity of choice and many chose to join our capitalist society rather than reject it. Others went into education and politics.

The commoners, the workers, of socialist countries know that there is no equity to that system. It is a two caste system. There are the despots who bask in and administer the wealth and those who produce the wealth for them to sumptuously disburse. The tyrant leaders cannot allow infiltration of the lesser population into their domain. There is no middle ground. There is no middle class. There is no chance for advancement. Continued subsistence is either accepted or when possible, fled.

We don’t need the change that was brought upon us in 2008. We need, as a country and as individuals, the return to pride and personal responsibility.

We only have two choices of our leaders for the next four years. One is an unknown entity with the possibility for return to prosperity for those willing to produce. The other is a continuation of the destructive Marxist path we are on. Please vote in favor of the nation’s longevity, not your immediate personal gratification. It may not make your life effort free, but it will make your life and those of future generations better in the long run.


September 26, 2016

Because she has a vagina, Hillary claims she can fix anything. She can make employers respect women more and pay them equal to the men on staff and give them paid maternity leave in addition to vacation and sick time, longer workday break times, allow them to leave work early in order to attend school or family functions or partake of anything womanly.

She can fix the economy by assuring that unskilled and uneducated and otherwise disadvantaged workers are paid a “living wage”. Giving more taxpayer money to unemployed and unemployable people also cycles more money through the economy. Making sure they have access to a decent place to live, cable television, cell phones and internet service at home gives them more leisure time to seek jobs. (Of course, that might mean giving up some of the government provided bucks and goodies.)

She can fix education by giving failing public schools more money for the administrators to squander. Higher education is easily attained with low-interest loans for tuition and no penalty for default. Lowering standards so that anybody can attend and pass classes also helps satisfy the need for a certificate in social justice.

She can fix world problems by accepting donations to the Clinton Foundation and exorbitant speaking fees for her husband. She can fix the broken classified email system by simply installing a server of her own and keeping or deleting emails as she chooses.

She can fix book reviews by having Amazon reorganize the way they accept and classify those critical of her books. She can fix disparate physical characteristics by mandating that a platform be used behind her debate podium to make her look taller and more presidential. She can fix the disadvantage she may have with her jaded political and executive experience by having debate moderators instantly fact check her opponent as Candy Crowley did on behalf of Barack Obama in 2012. (Crowley’s “facts” were wrong, but her interjection did help her candidate win the debate.)

She can make sure every election is fair by not requiring people to identify themselves as living, breathing citizens and local precinct dwellers at the polls. To do so would be inordinately discriminatory.

Yep, Hillary apparently can fix anything…well except for her habitual lying about everything.



September 6, 2016

Our government, one supposedly based on a binding constitution with laws and equal justice for all, has been compromised by corrupt Marxist socialists. There exists no law enforcement for the top echelon or their staunch supporters, only for those of lesser means and influences, (evidence Fast and Furious, the 5 for 1 exchange of high level terrorists for a despicable deserter, the Iran nuke “deal”, hogtying border agents and allowing thousands of indigents and terrorists into the country, pay for play and national secret giveaway by the Secretary of State or cash and more terrorists in exchange for political hostages just to name a few).

The current president has no respect for any law, the constitution, congress, our economic system, our borders, our military, law enforcement or even the secret police assigned to protect him. He does as he wishes and causes others in his administration to silently follow his dictums. He evades congressional approval for his actions by issuing Executive Orders when he knows his desires are so out of line they will never pass a House and Senate vote even with a seated majority of his own party. He has caused so much dissent with his prevaricative speeches and Machievelian profferings that even his most eloquent and ardent lemings supporters now stammer when trying to defend him and his actions.

Coming next is an election that, proven by past performances, is scheduled to have foreigners and registered voters long dead, people voting in multiple counties and states, predisposed voting machines and biased vote counters that will undoubtedly proclaim Hillary the winner. Those who prefer tinfoil to ball caps also speculate that soon after the election, but before inauguration day, Hillary will be indicted by Obama’s corrupt Department of Injustice and thus rendered unable to assume office. Without being sworn into office, neither Hillary nor her V.P. choice, Tim Kaine, can take over the country. This leaves Obama in office until a special election can be held naming his successor.

Other conspiracy theorists see the potential for this administration fomenting a situation of civil unrest between November and January where a martial law take over might leave Obama in office until another directed election might be held. Obama has had eight years to put all in place for this scenario.

He has subtly and openly provoked distrust and angst among virtually every subset of our country. People of lesser means no longer strive for success, they vehemently despise our society’s successful segment. People of color have been falsely indoctrinated with the idea that white people hold them in contempt simply because of skin color. Social wedges placed throughout the culture need only a slight knock to make the splits complete and riots abound.

Of course, the purchases of tens of thousands of “military style assault weapons” and upwards of 1.7 billion rounds of JHP ammunition starting a few years back, only adds to the rationale that this change of guard might be a bit different; a bit more in line with third world regime changes. Knowing that this arsenal is now in the hands of loyalists throughout the government also lends to the conspiratorial theories. One really does have to question why the USPS, IRS, EPA, CDC, HHS and other normally non-combatant agencies must have riot training, gear and weaponry such as this.

Before his first election he announced, “We’ve got to have a Civilian National Security Force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as our military”. As president, he has decimated the leadership of the military and downsized and defunded our national security forces to the point that his Civilian National Security Force now exceeds the capabilities of the military.

With the last change from Republican to Democrat residency in the White House, all the Ws were removed from computer keyboards. This election is beginning to sound more like removing all dissenters from the map.

Please excuse me while I take a moment to adjust my Reynolds chapeau and take one of the chartreuse and pink pills. ————— Ahhh, that’s so much better. Now I feel certain that with the forthcoming election being overseen by Homeland Security, headed by the estimable Jeh Johnson, everything will be okay.

Next election…U.N. controlled! It’s a Bizarro World this USA.