Archive for the ‘National Security’ Category


February 8, 2023

Today’s military, from all I can glean, is not as much of an elite fighting force as it is an experiment in social engineering. That is not what it is supposed to be, it’s just the direction it’s been taken. Recruitment is down among all branches despite the debasement of required qualifications and the acceptance of an abundance of permissions. The longer the experiment goes on, the smaller our human defense force becomes.

The Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. David H. Berger, referred to “recruitment failures” as the root problem with today’s lack of skilled and enthusiastic warriors. He effectively ascribed the problem to recruiters instead of acknowledging the issues at hand.

While it may have begun prior, the dilemma was unquestionably exacerbated by President Obama when he purged 197 educated, trained and experienced leaders of command and replaced them with sycophants and other political boot-lickers. That move began the demoralization of the troops and distrust of their leadership.

When the soldier next to you cannot read the manual for maintaining his/her weapon, it takes your time to explain and demonstrate the process for correct functioning. It’s necessary because that person may be responsible for the safety of the rest of his squad or team. If that person cannot identify the correct bathroom to use, respect and moral are lowered. As word gets out of the “relaxed” requirements, fewer potential enlistees and officers will step forward to put on the uniform.

Gen. Milley, Gen. Austin and Adm. Levine, today, are the most visible representatives of our armed forces. What they project are deviations from the norm and reality. They have set the goals for a “new normal” for our defensive personnel, one that promotes softness and compassion over unyielding rigidity and strength…the qualities necessary for protecting this, or any, country.

Gen. Milley, for example, shows more concern for “white rage” (a fictitious liberal appellation to a non-existent social construct) and gender identification than he does for combat readiness and willingness to fight. Gen. Austin, as secretary of defense, acts as liaison between the military, the president and congress. His fitness and manpower concerns align closely with those of Gen. Milley and Adm. Levine (a man who dresses as and professes to be a woman) is not hesitant to loudly and publicly voice promotion for gender reassignment surgery (including children and adolescents) as a right that should be paid for by the government (your tax dollars). These are our military representatives of today.

Standards are no longer. It is now possible to join the military with felony convictions (in some cases, multiple) and even outstanding warrants. A high school diploma or GED, once required, is no longer a factor for enlistment.

Oh, you stole a car and held a gun to the head of the owner? You didn’t fire the gun, did you? You say you were booked and released without bail and you did show up for court to receive 60 days probation? Not a problem, sign here.”

You have outstanding warrants in three states for domestic violence? We’ll take care of those, sign right here.”

What’s that? You can’t read the enlistment papers? Well, here is what it says…, sign here.”

Recruiters are doing their best to meet the quotas; the numbers necessary to maintain a level of defensive manpower. To meet those quotas they are breaking and/or skirting every logical norm. Ultimately we will have military members requesting gender reassignment surgery and desk duty because they are unable to meet the physical, intellectual, mental or emotional requirements of combat assignment.

Meanwhile, China is building a fighting force to overtake the U.S. and perhaps the rest of the world. Thanks to the leadership of our new protectors, China will soon be subjecting us to onerous control and abject poverty.


January 5, 2021

The Patriot Act afforded the federal government powers that defy the Bill of Rights. It gave certain non-elected members of government the ability to spy on American citizens, to record information regarding financial transactions, conversations and digital missives. It also allowed for tracking locations of people who were, in no way, connected to terrorism. The information gathered and still being gathered is archived in Bluffdale, Utah in a facility where even the custodial personnel have to pass deep background checks to pass security clearance.

See the progress? The above links are just a few insights to where the Marxists are taking the country as they destroy your rights as guaranteed in The Constitution of the United States of America, and the 4th Amendment to it.

Now they’re tracking your every move under the guise of health and safety. They might do it through the GPS system on your cell phone or your automobile or even subcutaneous chips or radio isotopes injected along with vaccines. The latter of which might be accomplished without your individual knowledge. It is projected that soon such vaccinations will be required to board airplanes, move freely from country to country and even to identify a person’s locale at a particular moment in time. Some theorists also suggest that injections might also be used to control behavior (moods, thinking and actions).

Social media controls what can be said through digital means. YouTube has the ability to post or take down videos with which the platform disagrees. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others also share the ability to censor items posted to their platforms. Google admits and restricts how easily information may be obtained for certain searches. This allows the platform to monitor and control some language and viewpoints while filtering others from the public. They do so by regulating what the administrators consider “disinformation” which may be the truth, but other than the narrative they choose to have presented.

There is chatter, and has been for a while, about a global currency. This would make purchases when traveling outside your home country simple. There would be no exchange rate to consider, simply reach into your purse or pocket and extract the correct denomination(s) for the purchase. Easy, simple.

Also considered is cashless purchasing. This, unlike the global currency concept, is the perfect tracking measure for everything you do, buy and where you go on a particular day. Carry one card and it will identify you, your bank account, credit rating and even, perhaps, your social credit rating. Global currency on a card along with everything about you and Big Brother knows it all. You have no 4th Amendment privacy at home, at the store, on the street, in your car or abroad. They need no warrant. They know where you are and what you’re doing. All information goes directly to the secure facility in Bluffdale, Utah for future use against you, if needed.

With facial recognition cameras on every street corner and place of business, microphones and cameras on buses and taxis, GPS on you ever present cell phone and in your car, smart TVs and computers that watch you watching them, info gathering every time you use a credit or debit card and soon a cashless society, there is no longer any possibility of privacy in your daily life. And yet, we still wear masks because we’re told to.

The land of the free will soon be a thing of the past. And from what we’ve seen lately, all remnants of that history will be erased from all memory.

We willfully traded occasional safety for constant surveillance and that has turned into governance through voyeurism.


November 19, 2015

Everything Obama has done he has done to make America weaker and more vulnerable. He is giving everybody of the world an opportunity to partake of the remaining wealth of our nation. This is why he refuses to deport criminals, allows sanctuary cities, restricts the authority and jurisdiction of the Border Patrol and I.C.E.

He has said that he will veto any proposal to increase scrutiny of refugees from Syria and Iraq with the words, “This legislation would introduce unnecessary and impractical requirements that would unacceptably hamper our efforts to assist some of the most vulnerable people in the world.”

America, once a super power, is now diminished and diminishing. He has “retired” our most knowledgeable and capable Admirals and Generals to make room for Obama compliant minions. He refuses to listen to the few experienced commanders remaining at the Pentagon, Department of Defense and in the field.

Why not veto the vetting of “refugees” with headlines like “8 Syrians caught at Texas Border”  and “Honduras arrests five Syrians headed to US with stolen passports” and “In first six weeks of FY2016 we resettled 827 Somalis; all but one are Muslim” ? Makes sense to me.


Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Now understand, I have nothing against people coming to this country to escape the mayhem in their homeland. I don’t understand why they run rather than defending themselves and their homes. Instead, they’re evacuating in numbers that would make up multiple military divisions (10,000 – 20,000 soldiers each). Certainly enough to put up a good resistance. But that may be just me.

What bothers me, and bothers me a lot, is that we have no way of telling who they are or whether they want to be here just to do us harm. Paris was very accommodating to Muslims until the disguised radicals among them started killing French citizens by the scores.

For years now I have ranted about people coming here uninvited and without verifiable documentation to prove that they are not cartel members, assassins, drug dealers, gang members or terrorists. It is now time to cast blind acceptance aside and start weeding the Garden of Complacency. Our lives depend on it!


August 15, 2015

Yesterday I published an article written earlier in the week <link> where I asked a series of questions.  The one question that I failed to include, but have been wondering about for months is:  “What is to keep someone from swapping out the drives in the Clintonmail server?”

We now find out that the drives have been professionally wiped clean.  At this point, the action appears to be as good as swapping them out.  Time will tell if any data can be retrieved from them by an independent forensic team.

In March of this year I posted an article suggesting a forensic audit of the Clintonmail server  <link>.  We’ll probably never know when the wipe took place.  However, had the server been confiscated earlier perhaps the Corruptocrats front runner might not have the time to deliberately destroy evidence possibly linked to treason or espionage.

Will her memoirs be written from federal prison?  I doubt it, after all her last name is Clinton and the Department of Justice is controlled by Barack Hussein Obama.  We may just have to wait and see.  I expect she is going to be unable to recall anything about her term as Secretary of State when the criminal investigation begins.




August 14, 2015

For months now, we have been hearing that Hillary is conveniently incapable of controlling two email accounts on one hand-held device so she chose to forego a dot-gov address. We then found out that she had at least two and possibly many more email addresses she readily accessed from her phone. She claimed that there was no, none, not any, zip, zero classified email on her private server. She did not send or receive any classified correspondence over her personal email account(s).

Some questions nobody, to the best of my knowledge, has yet asked are:

  1. “Secretary Clinton, did you do all your government business via personal, face to face conversation in bug-swept secure areas”?
  2. “Secretary Clinton, did you conduct all of your government business over secure phone lines and none over your hand held device?”
  3. “Secretary Clinton, how can you be so sure that none of the emails you sent or received were classified when you refused to share them with the very individuals who are charged with determining national security classifications?”
  4. “Secretary Clinton, how were you able to conduct any government business without taking the precautions necessary to secure that business?” and
  5. “Secretary Clinton, would you please define none as you have used it in your statements of defense?”

Of course, we are now learning that she harbored not only Confidential information from her superiors and peers, at the same time she also made Secret and Top Secret information available to clerks, her lawyer, her political advisors and perhaps even her cohort Sydney Blumenthal. NEED TO KNOW be damned.

The White House and several strategic departments within this administration are surreptitiously infiltrated with devout Muslims, some of whom have ties, direct or indirect, to radical groups. Some, it has been reported, have current affiliations with radical Islamic terrorists. That includes Mrs. Clinton’s personal aide Huma Abedin.

Mrs. Clinton’s blatant disregard for national security and general lack of protocol is appalling.  It is only surpassed by the actions of her former boss.  Between the two, our nation is at great peril.

In 2007 I said, it is time for a black man to be president, just not this black man. Today I say, it is time for a woman to be president, just not this woman. And I again hope that President Obama has not sullied the “person of color” image for future presidents of either or any gender.