Archive for the ‘Chicago Politics’ Category


September 21, 2018

In the military, the term is “fire for effect”, in politics it might be the above title. Fire for effect is a command given after the target has been identified and range and location are closely approximated. Once this all comes together, barrage fire takes place to devastate the enemy. It is not always dead-spot one shot accurate, but it does eliminate the threat.

For those of you without a calendar it is officially post Labor Day of an even numbered year. It’s election season! The political equivalent of the military maneuver is often used around election time to overwhelm the ignorant among us into believing things which are less than truthful and cannot be verified and combated.

This time around, there is more at stake than just congressional seats or even a presidential office vacancy. This year it is truly about the Constitution and whether it will be upheld and followed or if laws will be written by the courts rather than the Legislative branch of our government. This year it is most certainly about the seating of a Supreme Court justice and the filling of a soon to be vacant seat that can make or break the country.

Yep, it’s dirty tricks time. The Democrats, acting not as deliberative individuals but as an Orwellian group-think body, have tried to delay the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh until after the November 6 elections in hopes of overcoming his ascension to the highest court in the land of the free and the home of the brave with an unbelievable tactic. A last minute surprise accusation of sexual assault has been levied against Judge Brett Kavanaugh that is not only provable or disprovable, but he apparently cannot even face his accuser.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser, refuses to testify under oath that the event even took place. Apparently the simple, unsubstantiated accusation is enough to delay and derail the confirmation hearings. What Dr. Ford has stated is that she definitely recalls 17 year old Brett Kavanaugh attacked her at a party while they were both in high school (sometime between 1980 and 1982). She knows she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, but she cannot specifically recall the year (???). She cannot identify the date of the attack, the home in which it supposedly occurred or even how she got home after the party and the devastating episode.

Dr. Ford, a California research psychologist and professor at Palo Alto University is also a Democrat/socialist and political activist who has participated in anti-Trump rallies and events. While those Democrats in congress and those on CNN and MSNBC are screaming that this is not a political stunt, one must recognize that Dr. Ford lives in one of the most liberal bastions within the confines of the most liberal state of the union. If you think this is not political, you don’t understand Democrat politics.

Today, in the time of the “MeToo” movement, all that is necessary for a liberal woman to ruin a man’s life is to declare that she is a victim. It doesn’t work so well if the man is also a ranking Democrat (e.g. Karen Monahan and Keith Ellison) and it doesn’t work if the woman is a sound minded conservative. However, if the woman is an activist liberal the man conservative, put him in shackles and stone him into confessing be there a crime or not.

Let’s see how well this works. I heard through a mutual friend that Dr. Ford had a three month long sexual relationship with a thirteen year old neighbor about ten years ago. It cannot be verified though because the young boy committed suicide shortly thereafter. Does that help to your career Chris?


November 14, 2015

When Democrats are in charge, there is no need for gerrymandering. Without mandate or even authority, President Obama’s minions place “new arrivals” aka refugees, aka illegal aliens in specific districts and states changing the political makeup to favor Democrats. It’s Chicago politics squared. It’s despotic!

He uses tax dollars to move imported refugees and invaders to areas of high Republican voters. Be they the Muslims with potential terrorist ties that he welcomes into the country or the masses invading from the South and assaulting our shores, they are guided to strategic areas of the country. He then authorizes them the ability to vote. Thus, redistricting is not necessary. He’s doing everything to secure the makeup of various voting districts rather than protecting the nation.

When overloading a voting district isn’t enough, party members simply program voting machines or vote counters to elect Democrats no matter what box is penned or which chad is punched. Is anybody still wondering how 103% of eligible, registered voters in some districts voted Democrat in 2008 and 2012? (E.g. According to the League of Women Voters, four districts in Fulton County, Georgia [2/3 Democrat, 1/3 Republican] showed greater than 100% voter turnout in the 2012 election.) One hundred percent voter turnout is statistically impossible.

Does it still concern you why some districts showed NO, none, not any, zero, zip, nada Republican votes in the 2012 election?

Maybe the 2016 election is already in the bag for Democrats no matter who wins the nomination…of either party. But, then again, there are still months remaining before announcing the chosen ones and almost a full year to rig the election.

In addition to the tens of thousands assaulting our southern border, we are accepting another 70,000-200,000 “refugees” from the primarily Muslim countries of Iraq, Somalia, Bhutan, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and, of course, Syria. This is not only a national integrity issue, this is a national security issue.

By allowing the uncontrolled and unvetted influx of foreign nationals, we don’t know why the individuals are coming here. Is it for jobs, self-betterment, personal security, entitlements, to set off dirty bombs or simply to change the established voting patterns?


October 30, 2015

For private enterprises, it’s outlawed. Since it’s the government, it’s right, it’s proper and it’s good for you. Nudging is subliminal and it’s effective. A “nudge” is offering what you want to happen and making someone comply if they don’t take steps to consciously reject it.  Nudging, thanks to Cass Sunstein, is now influencing the change promised by Barack Obama.

You don’t need to register to vote, simply apply for a driver license. When states do this, it not only allows people the opportunity to exercise the privilege of voting, it encourages voter turnout. That’s a nudge! Some states are now issuing driver licenses to foreign nationals who cannot even read or understand the driving laws, much less the politics of the nation, yet they may vote.

You no longer have to volunteer to be an organ donor. However, you must sign and file a waiver if you choose not to donate. That’s a nudge. If you fail to opt out of the program when you receive or renew your driver license, your innards can become part of an elected official or other highly influential person as soon as you die or a coerced private physician declares you dead.

This is called the “nudge theory”. Paying a fine to the government for not having health insurance is another form of nudge. Want to make sure that a progressive is in the White House? Just offer a Socialist campaigner and all of a sudden a staunch progressive looks like a moderate, viable and acceptable alternative. Or, on the other side of the aisle, allow a side-show celebrity figure offering inflammatory, bold and definitely not politically correct rhetoric to rally the far right. Now a normal conservative looks good.

The government denies that illegal aliens have any of the rights of citizenship…Welfare benefits, voting rights, Obamacare, Social Security benefits…yet they backdoor the privileges so that you, Mr. or Mrs. taxpayer don’t protest. That’s lying, but the uninformed accept it.

Want to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens? Simply make more places off-limits to guns. Wait for a depressed individual with an UZI on doctor directed medication to enter the grounds, then exploit the tragedy. Say, “See, I told you so. We’ve got to reduce the number of guns available to reduce the possibility of this happening again”. Another nudge.

If you’re the President and want to spend taxpayer money the way you want, take on an authoritarian posture.  Tell the American people military pay will be delayed, Social Security checks will not arrive on time and national parks will have to be closed. By doing so, members of congress who vote against your wishes become villains to those in the military, retirees or families planning a vacation. Nudge!

“Americans want” or “Most Americans say” are quiet nudges meant to make people feel left out if they don’t agree. Given that most people want to be with the majority, to be right, the influence can often cause people of indecisive or impressionable minds to go with the professed flow.

Before making any major decision, take the time to research how that decision may be unduly influenced.


May 22, 2013

Let’s forget all about Fast and Furious and amnesty and entitlements for people who have stolen their way into the country.  We need not be attentive to the AP or FoxNews reporters individually and collectively spied upon or trampling on freedom of the press.  Benghazi?  Not a problem, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”  Let us not be bothered by whatever still lurks under the desk in the oval office.  This time it’s probably not Monica. 

Oh hell, let’s just consign to oblivion everything in the founding documents and everything we’ve known about liberty in the past.  It’s all gone.  We have ignorantly relinquished, through our personal votes, everything the founders of this nation gave us as citizens.  Not everyone chose to shoot themselves in the foot, but now we all walk with a limp because of those who did.

Can we now agree there is little left of the America in which we’ve been proud?  We have survived through good periods and tough times, Republican and Democrat administrations.  It is time to revert to what made this nation the global leader in the first place and we must no longer shrink from being a strong and free society.  It is time for “We the People” to regain control of the behemoth government currently usurping our wealth, freedoms and opportunities.  Our government is not only affecting the well-being of our nation, it is destroying the morale of almost every individual within, even those who voted for the change. 

If you think, even for one second, that a government can gather every bit of information about your life for use against you when needed and not be bothered by that you are not American.  You are not one who enjoys rights, freedoms, and self created opportunities.  You are one who wants someone else to think and do for you as you muddle your way through life as an ignorant, uncaring bondservant.  You willingly forfeit all prerogatives to protest for equality or humanity.

Click on the link below for more on how we have carelessly relinquished our rights and freedoms and put our personal lives in jeopardy through our votes.

If you think that the current or any future governments getting away with the illegal and frightening moves we’ve seen in the past four and a half years won’t affect you, you must be in the throes of death as you read this or as you hear it read to you.  If the government can specifically target individuals and make their lives miserable just because the individuals do not share, completely, the political views and goals of the nation’s leader, we are all subjects of tyranny.

Granted, the practice started long, long ago.  Underhanded government over reach occupied center stage during the Watergate trials exactly forty years ago this month.  The American public on both sides of the political aisle were outraged at what executive power could produce.  It cost Richard M. Nixon the presidency and it was nothing, by comparison, to what is happening right now.  What is happening is right out of the Cloward/Piven playbook – overwhelm the system, destroy the nation.

When the Department of Homeland Security contracts for huge blocks of ammunition deliberately making it difficult, at best, for citizens and even some local police departments to obtain a practical few rounds, it should alarm “We the People”.  However, if you have willingly forfeited all prerogatives through compliance or complacency, you deserve what you get. 

Today, as currently scheduled, Lois Lerner the head of the IRS tax-exempt division intends to invoke the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs.  The Fifth Amendment provides that U.S. citizens may not be compelled to incriminate or testify against themselves while under oath.

By invoking the Fifth Amendment, Ms. Lerner is not only protecting herself, she is shielding her superiors from indictment.  This is a very convenient use of the Constitution when there is a political or personal benefit, by those whose goal it is to destroy that very document.

By today’s standard, Nixon did virtually nothing. The poor guy got the proverbial shaft.


May 14, 2013

With all the hoopla about the IRS delaying opportunities for conservative groups to be certified tax exempt, allowing them to accept donations and funding, something seems forgotten.

I know that Democrats, in large, are defending the IRS.  They say that, once again, any investigative committees would be partisan and a great Right Wing Conspiracy.  They, including President Obama, say that the IRS was not selective in their scrutiny, in spite of the fact that the IRS has already admitted it and apologized.

However, I have not heard a single word about how the harassment kept Tea Party groups and others from raising money to defeat the Liar-in-Chief last year.  Not a word has been yet spoken about that.

Also obviously silent, is Organizing for America.  They are not complaining about any undo holdup or requests for burdensome paperwork due in 15 days like conservative groups.  There have been no accusations of lengthy delays before receiving multi-page requests for unnecessary or unwarranted information.  To date, no mandates for donor list, contributor list, volunteer names, etc. for them.  And, unlike conservative groups, some of which still await NPO status after 2+ years, OFA was granted their tax waiver within 90 days.  Could that be because it’s Obama’s baby?

I predict that he will be the board member with the strongest and loudest voice for OFA when he terms out at his present do-nothing but vacation and party occupation.  I say board member because it will make it easier to continue deflecting responsibility and accountability away from himself.  As Executive Director, he would have to take all his loyal devotees from the government in order to survive.  He needs to keep as many of them as possible in place.  It will be much easier for him to sit in the wings, perhaps as Chairman of the Board, and have his strings are pulled as they are now, conveying the wishes of his hard-core, one world government handlers.  When it all crumbles, the Executive Director is fired, replaced and the shenanigans continue.

At any rate, the man who wants to tax everybody and everything got his tax waiver approved in short order and without hardship.  But there was no partisanship!