Archive for November, 2018


November 27, 2018

Compared to men and women in uniform who willingly risk their lives to retain our way of life and give citizens around the globe humanitarian opportunities, our government elite are excessively compensated. For instance, a U.S. military member with a pay grade of E-6 (five earned pay grades above entry level) having given more than two years service to our country receives a base pay of only $2,802/mo.($33,264/yr.) This is scheduled to be raised for 2019 by 2.4% to a whopping $2,869/mo. A serviceman’s work schedule includes readiness twenty-four hours a day and often includes weeks on end without a stand down.

Compare that to the average Amazon carton handler who now earns $15.00/hr. That’s 2,580/mo. or nearly $31,000/yr. for placing boxes on a conveyor belt 8 hours a day.  When the bell rings ending the shift, they’re outta there!  An over-the-road trucker earns an average of $23.00/hr or almost $78,000 annually if they really go at it.  Consider what the average retail store manager is paid.  Good ones make approximately $46,000 a year.

Military accommodations often consist of living in tents, bathing in streams or ponds when available with clothing changes welcomed whenever possible. Granted, they do receive an extra stipend when deployed to areas or subjected to situations where death is imminent.

Why should congressional members protected by the secret service and capitol police make so much more?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wears designer ensembles costing more than the average soldier makes in a month to her campaign venues. While campaigning, she has been seen wearing outfits of estimated cost exceeding $3,500 including shoes with a price tag of $625. Though she dresses for success, she’s whining that she cannot afford to live in the city or suburbs surrounding her new job.

Not even seated yet, the socialist darling of the left is suggesting legislation that would give congressional members a housing allowance in excess of the freshman base pay of $174,000. And, the members vote themselves raises at will. *Congress is required by Article I, Section 6, of the Constitution to determine its own pay.

Some current members, known to sleep in their offices and bathe in the gym locker room (not the Potomac River), have suggested a housing allowance while in session amounting to $2,500 per month.

Returning to reason perhaps we, the American voters, should consider something along the lines of a government housing facility for our downtrodden elected leaders like the projects offered by H.U.D. There are numerous vacant government owned buildings in and about Washington D.C. that could easily be converted into dorms or apartments.

For those choosing this option, the accommodations might be paid for by deducting $1,500 – $2,500 per month ($18,000 – 30,000/yr) from the base we now pay them. Nancy would consider it just “crumbs”. Most of them can probably scrape by on the remaining measly $144,000 per year. A transportation allowance of $5.00 per round trip to and from the dorm and capitol could be an additional benefit for consideration.

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s next proposal is probably for a congressional clothing allowance and meal per diem to go along with the housing allowance. After all, we must redistribute the wealth from those who worked hard to earn their bounty. Soon thereafter, I’m sure, she’ll and the others will consider working for the people who elected them instead of what they can do to benefit themselves.  Yeah, right!

Congressional staffers and interns live and commute under the same circumstances and seem to get by on their pay of $30,000 – $85,000 per year without such perks. And they do much, if not most, of the work for which the elected elite receive their salaries.