Archive for July, 2022


July 11, 2022

Much attention is focused on the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion. The claim is that it is an attack on women’s rights; that it will force women to have “back alley” abortions as in the past. There are myriad such claims from the left who have gotten away with killing unborn children for almost 50 years with impunity. Most of them don’t know that they are all part of a much more sinister plot to depopulate the world. Knowingly or unwittingly, those of a progressive mindset have been played harder, faster and with greater ignorance and excitement than anyone entering a Ponzi scheme.

There is far less attention given to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their striving efforts to reach a Global World Order (aka: liberal world order) and their agenda to depopulate the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) and its underling the U.S. National Institute for Health (NIH) are also complicit in the agenda. They are doing it through abortions, viruses and “vaccines”. They are doing it through pills and capsules (synthetic pharmaceuticals) professed to eliminate the symptoms of every malady from brittle fingernails to arresting cancer progression. They are doing it through uncontrolled violence that goes unpunished by the progressive judges installed by the same group and billionaires working in conjunction with them.

Margaret Sanger <link> opened her first U.S. birth control clinic in 1916. In 1921 she founded the American Birth Control League which morphed into Planned Parenthood in 1942. Planned Parenthood is now in partnership with like organizations in 12 countries. Sanger, is known as a highly bigoted geneticist who believed in “selective births” and a desire to significantly reduce the excess population. Sanger’s goal of population reduction primarily targeted “exterminating the Negro population” <link>. Planned Parenthood annually “averts” an average of 515,000 unwanted pregnancies of which 216,000 are abortions.

Population control began in earnest back in the 1940s and 1950s with experiments on people of under developed countries and developing nations whose populations were considered, by the elite oligarchs of the time, as less than desirable. These were, in general, the African nations as well as some Asian and South American countries. Abortions became the logical way to diminish the global population and Planned Parenthood became the hallmark avenue claiming favor under the facade of “women’s reproductive health”.

The Alpha male has been villainized for the last two to three decades. The additives we consume in our regular diets may also play a part in this scheme. Certainly the drugs we take with the expectations of remediating pain or symptoms of ailments and illnesses are to blame. This is not only thwarting our population growth, it is having a devastating effect on our military readiness and law enforcement security. This, in combination with public school indoctrination, is a major reason why our offspring are confused about their own sex or gender. Soon we may have military clad in flowered red jump suits rather than in camo BDUs.

The current “vaccines” are also part of the depopulation formula. First, these are not, by definition vaccines. They are toxins introduced into the body to kill or significantly reduce the effects of a laboratory enhanced virus. The toxins are cumulative with each successive injection yet the agent’s benefit rapidly diminishes. The sterilization effects of the chemical concoction may not be known for possibly another 10-15 years. We know already that they are resulting in lower sperm count in men and causing significant and devastating blood clots in women’s reproductive organs.

Perhaps this is why they want to “vaccinate” children as young as four against a virus that shows a near negative mortality rate. The globalists are even pushing to have the chemicals included in initial infant inoculations. This will surely reduce populations globally.

Are you prepared for the NEW WORLD ORDER?