Archive for July, 2019


July 18, 2019

We hear what we want to hear, see what we want to see and accept what we choose to accept. Or, as with the quote often attributed to Marcus Aurelius, “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth”.

It is becoming all too common. A statement, a tweet or gesture is taken out of context and spread across social media until it seeps into the realm of traditional media. If not prior, it then becomes the truth that many seek. The repetition makes it undeniable. It’s real. It happened, I read/saw it everywhere!

Because “somebody did something” some time ago, it is easy to conflate that happening to a glance, a phrase or motion giving it a meaning never meant. It is a ploy used effectively throughout our daily lives and is profoundly used by the main stream media and politicians.

While conflation for effect is used by both sides of the political aisle, it is used most frequently by the left and the far left. If you don’t believe what I say or act the way I believe is correct it’s because you’re a RACIST.

At Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing, a former clerk, sitting behind him, made a movement with her right hand. To Trump haters, this was a display of the White Power symbol. To some, it was a showing of “OK” as if she was agreeing with his answer or with the proceedings. To others she was simply scratching her left arm.

Michelle Obama: “All this for a Damn flag”, was accepted as a true lip reading at 9/11 commemoration ceremony and it became fodder for hatred of the first lady. It gained authenticity as the video and interpretation made the rounds. Nobody other than Michelle and Barack knows for sure what she actually said.

Go back to your country has been used so many times it has the same affect as calling somebody racist…none. Therefore, it can be used as a point of conflation when necessary.

Last Sunday, President Trump aired his frustration with four Democrat freshmen in a tweet. The actual tweet: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

There was no reference or inference to their sex, heritage, race, ethnicity or national origin. There was no mention of any country yet the distorted version which is so prevalent is “Go back to their countries and fix their governments”. For effect, the Trump haters across the nation, in congress, in cyber, on air and in columns and “actual” news stories have conflated this tweet with a familiar admonishment.

The “Squad” to whom President referred in his tweet consists of:

Ilhan Omar – Minneapolis, MN – poverty rate for Minneapolis is +/- 22% compared to MN over all rate of 10.2%. 109% higher than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are 15.73 daily crimes that occur in Minneapolis making it less safe than 97% of the cities in the United States. In Minneapolis you have a 1 in 18 chance of becoming a victim of a crime on any given day.

Ayanna Pressley – MA 7th district – Boston. A very diverse population. Poverty is 18.7% or 1.5 times the rate of MA and 1.4 times the national rate. Violent crime is 87.66% higher than the state of Massachusetts and 78.15% higher than national crime rate.

Alexandrea Ocasia-Cortez – Bronx/Queens, New York. 1.7 Million people (52% of her district’s population) lives below the poverty threshold. Chances of being a victim of violent crime is almost 3 times greater than anywhere else in New York State.

Rashida Tlaib – MI 13th dist. Includes half of Detroit. Median household income $29,863 (roughly half of U.S. income). Unemployment 24.7% (6.5 times the national average). Violent crime is second highest in U.S.

Is there still a question about what President Trump was referring to when he said, “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

If you watch or read nothing but opinion news from biased sources you’re left with only one viewpoint and therefore it is the correct one. If you favor the truth, you will avail yourself to multiple sources that vary in viewpoint, each containing at least a modicum of truth.


July 11, 2019

Candidates on both sides of the political aisle make promises that they never intend to keep. They do so trying to entice voters to “pull the lever” on their behalf. It’s nothing new. However, this round, the pledges and overtures go far beyond logic and reason for anybody that is not of the participation trophy generations. Thinking people must reject the fantasy statements and the candidates who make them in favor of saving our nation and our way of life.

Most of the programs include handouts that make no sense or are so broad as to invite uncontrollable fraud. Each entrant into the clown competition for president has made some offers that sound good to the takers of the nation, but terrible for the producers and can only lead to the collapse of our sovereignty and our democracy.

Aside from consulting the nearest wind sock on any given day or event, there are absurd verbal expulsions from virtually everyone seeking the highest office in the land.

Here are just some of the statements made on the campaign trail:

Proposed “War Tax” on families that don’t have at least one member in the military or having served in the military. Sounds good at the onset, but does not describe how far the family extends. There is no mention about honorable service, just service.

The government cannot keep track of who receives EBT benefits or who gets EIC credit. How can anyone in their right mind expect the government to track who has family members in the military. What happens if John joins the Marines after high school? Is his sister Sally exempt from the tax as long as she lives in the family home? Does the exemption continue after she is married?

At least one of the leftist idiots states loud and clear that if he becomes president, and if you don’t relinquish your weapons, you will be overcome by force and imprisoned. Mr. Swalwell has no respect for the Constitution or the attached Bill or Rights. Like most of those on the debate stage(s) mandated conformity to autocratic demands is the way of the future. Fortunately, Mr. Swalwell’s idiocy became clear to even him.

There is vast support among the Democrat candidates for decriminalizing illegal entry into our country. If that isn’t open borders, nothing is. No borders, no country.

If there is no cost, there is no value!

Almost all have advocated for free college tuition. It is simply an extension of the substandard learning process that has been the norm for the past 50 years or so. Continued indoctrination is necessary for some of the slow learners who were unable to accept Communism as the best socioeconomic system in their first twelve years of public education.

Medicare for all (some candidates include virtually every person within the confines of the 50 states, legal, illegal, temporary or permanent). Why not vacationers here on a visa?. This is inviting everybody with a hangnail to clog waiting rooms across the nation. No problem…the doctor’s office is climate controlled and no one can be turned away! Corey Booker says “It just makes sense”.

Taxpayer paid abortion – No matter how you view abortion, (murder, women’s reproductive rights or simply internal feminine cleansing), if there is no cost for irresponsibility there is no reason to be responsible. Hook up on Saturday night and up to nine months later you can have that growth inside you removed at taxpayer expense.

Voting without I.D. – This is about the most ridiculous thing that has ever been presented to a civilized society. Currently, in many states, there is nothing stopping someone from getting off a plane, a boat or crossing the Rio Grande (aka: Rio Bravo del Norte) into our southern desert on election day from going to the Motor Vehicle Department, getting a driver license to use as I.D., then driving on to the polls and voting. Yet, some of these same idiots want to exclude our military men and women serving outside the country on election day from casting their ballot.

Universal Basic Income – Proposals range from $500/mo. to $1,000/mo. given to every adult person in the U.S. No need to work or produce, the check’s in the mail. Actually, you need not even bother going to your mail box or cashing a check. Completely effortless! A government deposit will be made directly into your bank account on a specific date each month so that you can continue using your EBT card to buy corn chips and beer without interruption.

No consequence for breaking the law. No loss of rights for committing felonies; vote from prison. The Marxist/socialists, whether they say it aloud or not, want to make every non-politician completely beholden to a strong central government. Act the way we say or we’ll take away your subsidies.

Otherwise, all is free!