Archive for May, 2017


May 30, 2017


Facts are facts. News is news. Allegations and innuendo are neither facts or news. Yet, due to electronic transmission, there is a confusion generated and allegations are accepted as truth.

It was about two weeks ago that I read an article about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson considering a run for the presidency. This article was generated from a GQ interview in which he answered questions rather ambiguously but without denial of the thought. He’s having a ball with it. The story has made it through the web and back meaning he is seriously looking into it. It’s beginning to generate a donation flow to a non-existent campaign.

I laughed knowing, at least hoping, that it was not a sincere consideration as I read through the drivel. I don’t know anything about The Rock’s political acumen or his knowledge of history or world affairs. He might be quite knowledgeable in all those areas. He may also be ignorant. He’s an entertainer by trade. He’s a celebrity. Those attributes make some people send checks to his manager. Me? Eh, not so much.

However, just for fun, I chose to share the “news” verbally with a friend to see what kind of response it might evoke. I was prepared to be called a fool for believing it. To my surprise, there was no questioning, not even an eyebrow raise. It was readily accepted as true and something to hope for (anybody to get us away from Trump). I honestly don’t know if it was carried any further. In any case, I doubt that any research was done to verify or deny the veracity of the idea. The idea was implanted.

Newscasters try mightily to make their presentations believable by quoting an “anonymous source close to” the origination of a story. That anonymous source might be the aide to a congressman who was actually present when a third person phone call took place. That aide might have conveyed their understanding of what was discussed based on a perception of that half of the conversation. From there it became news as a fourth or successive person shared it with a reporter who shared it with the public.

It is foolish to believe anything you read or watch on the one-eyed idiot box. There is an agenda for everything these days. If you like the agenda, you are likely to accept it as true otherwise it is summarily rejected. That’s the way we’re programmed. Innuendo becomes truth. When repeated enough times, it is undeniable fact.

BTW, President Trump was seen eating some bacon and picking his nose with his right hand on Air Force One just before landing in Saudi Arabia last week. He didn’t bother to wash or even wipe it before shaking hands with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia. 

That’s the truth!



May 19, 2017

For a week and a half we’ve heard a trickle of information and a flood of speculation regarding the dismissal of James Comey. The social media meme thread includes questions and accusations involving coercion, bribery, extortion and private threats.

First the Democrats began crying for Comey’s head because he caused Hillary’s presidential demise with his public announcements. Next they gloated and praised his performance for a while after he publicly announced the conclusion of an investigation into Email Gate. Then they turned on him like rabid and starving rats when he stood before another microphone to proclaim his investigators found new evidence and he was reopening the case.

James Comey was the Federal Bureau of Investigations Director from September 4, 2013 until his last day on May 9, 2017. Comey’s career includes government affiliation from 2002 when he became a U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and a stint as United States Deputy Attorney General under George W. Bush. Thereafter, for eight years, he chose the private sector where he was employed as council for Lockheed Martin and Bridgewater Associates before returning to public service as Director of the FBI.

According to his bio, Comey was a registered Republican until 2016. At that time, he changed his party affiliation to Independent. Was this move made due to distrust for the Republican nominee at that time?

As of this publication, it has been eleven days since Comey’s discharge and there still is no definitive explanation for why it happened when it did, only conjecture and opinion. Yet, depending on viewpoint or political bent, there is angst and anger on behalf of both Trump supporters and “the Resistance”. Half want the president to be impeached (but that started about midnight EST on November 8, 2016) while the other side supportively praises his actions.

Neither side has sufficient information to know whether the move was warranted at that time, prior to then or not at all. There seems to be nary a fact available. All judgments at this point appear to be made on innuendo, speculation, allegations, wants and wishes. It is simply another opportunity for the resistance movement to call for resistance. News stations and print media claiming unbiased reporting are all knee deep in the hog pen mire that is national politics today. Social media offers highly charged opinions which become gospel as they twine their way through the web to hand-held electronic devices.

It is said that James Comey, like his predecessor, wrote down the important points of meetings with ranking political officials in case he needed them to testify before congress. Is the wording of those notes influenced by his emotions, fears or ambitions? Does he also have notes of meetings with President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Adam Schiff, Elija Cummings and others? Can/will they be subpoenaed? Will the notes become a tell-all memoir worth millions of dollars to a publisher as with most of the recent politicians upon leaving the political arena? We’ll have to wait to see.

Echoes for a special counsel resounded through the halls of congress and microphones of the media until one was appointed. Shouldn’t they also call for special prosecutors and independent investigators to look into such things as Eric Holder and his Fast and Furious scheme and the Clintons (both) including sexual assault, national security breaches, the Clinton foundation – fraud and influence peddling. Perhaps someone should take a serious look at President Obama and why he made public announcements of troop movements and assault planning days, weeks and months before they occurred. Do you remember Extortion 17? How about seeking more information regarding how it was that James Comey took it upon himself not to prosecute Hillary Clinton? This decision usurped the authority of his boss, Loretta Lynch, though she didn’t object.

I’m all for a special prosecutor and Robert Mueller has the potential to do the job. Let’s find out the whole story about Russian involvement into our election process. Let’s seek the truth about all aspects of government. Let’s quiet the whining. If there is need, censure or even impeach and remove the president. If nothing is found we can announce the idiocy of the call.

As we’re spending thousands of person hours (*note the PC reference), frittering resources and tens of millions of dollars with independent investigations and special prosecutors trying to prove negatives, why not look into the ties between Adam Schiff and organized crime? Perhaps there should be a special prosecutor investigating Eric Stalwell and his connection to child trafficking, enslavement, prostitution and surgical mutilation. There is currently nothing tying these men to the crimes indicated, but how do we know for sure no crimes were committed without a thorough investigation? You’ve now seen their names linked to crimes and both are bred from the corrupt politics of California.

If there’s truly an interest in election tampering or fraud or influencing an election, why isn’t there more attention given to illegal aliens and felons and dead people voting or computers changing votes? Where is the outrage about people voting two and three times in different districts under different names? Where is the concern about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC denying Bernie Sanders equal opportunity?

Who can assure, in this politically charged environment, that even Robert Mueller is unbiased and able to do the job without malice? After all, Director Comey was heralded as “as honest as they come” until he became known as corrupt.


May 1, 2017

There’s a lot of talk about home grown terrorists today. A major fault of the conversation is the concentration on Islamic terrorism. While this is a valid concern, it is certainly not the only and maybe not the most dangerous threat to the United States and the people herein.

Islamic terrorists want to destroy those of us deemed infidels. They want Sharia as the law of the land and the world and they are willing to impose it upon us by any means possible. Killing with guns, bombs, automobiles or any method available is not to be scoffed. These radicals cause fear and terror as we assume our daily duties. But they are not the only terrorists.

The fascists / communists calling themselves Antifa and Black Lives Matter are of equal concern.  While fascism is generally considered a far right doctrine, the activities are also a far left concept. Philosophers and historians, recognizing a pattern of similarity, developed the Horseshoe theory whereby the left/right spectrum is not linear but more like that of a horseshoe.  The two radical and violent factions are far closer than normally accepted because the methods by which they choose to accomplish their goals parallel one another.

The horseshoe theory makes sense. In the past, I have questioned some of the actions of the far right (militias and militant anarchist groups) because they seem to be those which, to me, looked to be those of the radical or loony left. Since becoming aware of the horseshoe theory, that question is answered. The radicals at both ends of the spectrum could at some time join forces for some movements.

Thus, classifying far left groups and their leaders who terrorize others with violence and mayhem as fascists, is not the misnomer many choose to believe. In order to intimidate rally participants, disrupt meetings, speakers, parades and events with which they don’t agree, they often do so by inciting anger, becoming violent and using weapons. They break windows, burn buildings and cars and use mace or pepper spray, fists and rocks to silence their opposition. That is terror; that is fascism! Even what’s left of the press in Venezuela refer to these tactics as rioting. Our (center left) news sources generally prefer to call them peaceful protests with a few incidents.

These terrorists got their running start with the elections of 2016. The useful idiots are commanded from behind the curtain by George Soros and his sub-lackeys (Obama – the community organizer, Schumer – the Democrats balker in chief and Warren – another hate spewing fanatic) through myriad organizations funded and directed by the above.

Remember the quote from Michele Obama, “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation”?

Political correctness taught to our youth and forced upon us is intentional and nefarious modification of our language. (changing our conversation) Eliminating references to Christmas and Easter, the removal of all civil war statues, portraits and plaques; the renaming of buildings, streets and schools are simply illustrations of her quote from 2008. (Changing our traditions and history)

Like any radical Islamist group like ISIS, these people want to destroy America. They want to eliminate our heritage, our history and any good the future might bring.

The “protests” began early in the election to stall the Republican party and the increasing base of Donald Trump. They continued through the election and rapidly escalated to violence with the vote on November 8. Today, the anarchists find any venue possible to express their fascist viewpoints.

In typical leftist maneuvering, they blame anyone and everyone other than their own actions for their actions. They blame the police who arrest members for breaking the law.

The time is coming to fear these groups as we do our world enemies. They are here now, they are home grown and they are viciously violent. Soon the tide will turn. Patriots will withstand only so much. After that they will turn from center right to far right and respond in kind. Personal defense at rallies will become equal and opposite. Blood will be shed on both sides as the puppet masters giggle hideously.

The country is on very shaky ground right now. Not only do we have nuclear threats from the Middle East and Far East, we have to watch our backs at every large gathering we attend.

Perhaps ISIS and other radical Muslim groups are not the only major threats to our nation.