Archive for January, 2024


January 29, 2024

There are evil people among us, many of whom are in positions of celebrity and/or influence such as sports, entertainment, media, education and government (redundancy of last three acknowledged). They promulgate and promote concepts that are contrary to human well-being for the sake of dominance. They instigate and declare ideas, openly, that divide their perceived underlings or charges into convenient, identifiable, conflicting but manageable groups.

The goal is controlled chaos/guided anarchy. Over the last couple of decades, division theory has grown exponentially. Division theory is well known by followers of Karl Marx. It is a primary necessity to the ultimate goal of socialism and dominance by a few over the many. It is presented, contrarily, as Utopian equity to the ignorant but useful idiots in order to encourage their support and their own eventual enslavement. These indoctrinated morons don’t recognize that they are formulating the demise of their own individuality (the abstraction of intelligence in humanity).

We are living in a time where an accusation, allegation or innuendo can cause a person to lose a job, career, friends and social status or even a court case. Simply calling someone a name now labels them rabble to be avoided hereafter to the grave. Such a label is impossible to argue and one is therefore guilty without the opportunity to prove their innocence. For a while, the utterance of “RACIST!” was enough to subject an opponent to humility. Try to prove you’re not racist! Overused, that term became useless and others had to be employed.

There are many terms used as pejoratives by those in disagreement and without data substantiating their perspective. Racist, homophobe, transphobe, Nazi, Maga, Ultra Maga, Ultra Maga Extremists and white supremacist are just a few of the replacement terms used disparagingly by the Marxist cabal to demean those who chose freedom, independence and self reliance over global communism.

The evil that must exist in the mind, body and spirit of those who choose ruthless verbalization to cancel others with a difference in belief or understanding is stupefying to those of us who hold respect for our fellow human beings. It is a way of usurping and expressing an undue dominance over an opponent or rival for strictly selfish purposes. When there are no facts to back a belief in discussion, some people believe that shutting down the conversation saves face. The use of invalid, unfounded and untrue derogatory slurs is their only salvation from the lost argument.

The animus and contempt of the few for the majority is currently being absorbed by the majority and shortly there will be a disproportionate push-back. The repudiation will be loud, strong and potentially even Antifa-like violent. Due to the number of incidents and the length of time the minions of the cabal have controlled the conversation in this manner, the retributive anger will undoubtedly be explosive.

It’s the ones doing the mud slinging who are frequently most deeply mired in the muck of their narcissistic environment. They are often guilty of the actions or events they call upon others.

Here are a few of the terms and methods currently in use throughout the globalist conspiracy to destroy all vestiges of normal humanity: transgender/agamogenetic surgeries, social credits, equity, CBDC, meatless society, environmental equity, global climate, CO2, bio-engineering, oppressor/oppressed.

Yet another method of altering mankind includes factioning people rather than accepting individuals. This is done by grouping individuals with similarities (some inherent and immutable, some by chosen association) and instituting animosities among them. Blacks/whites, blacks/Asians/Latinos, poor/wealthy ecology/humanity and conservative/liberal (“liberal” now being a political self-contradiction) are, again, just a few.

Please, be aware of who’s controlling your life and environment and how they’re doing it.


January 15, 2024

For twenty-two years now, we (for the most part we) have accepted that 9-11-01 was the work of outside forces against the United States of America. What if it wasn’t? What if it was the work of those within our own government?

Undoubtedly long before, but certainly since then, we have seen our own federal and state governments perform in ways that cause reasonable persons to question their actions.

“Why over-regulate businesses knowing that it will only stifle them causing a loss of profits, employees and ultimately destroy your own tax base?”

“Why mandate the elimination of fossil fuels knowing that the mining, refining and production of wind and solar components for energy generating mechanisms actually cause more and greater damage to the environment than the use of petroleum distillates?”

“Why shut down coal mines, petroleum and natural gas pipelines when they are necessary for the production of “renewable energy”? Why mandate electric cars, stoves, washers and dryers, furnaces, etc. when the current and projected electric grids cannot supply the needed energy?”

We have seen billions of dollars channeled to wars with no defined outcome or achievement. This foolishness only causes economic inflation for the masses, death for military troops and civilians as well as global or regional political discord and angst. In 2002 we were told by the highest levels of international intelligence that Saddam Hussein had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. He had none. That intelligence caused us to begin a costly twenty year long war that drained our economy of $8 trillion, cost nearly 1,000 lives and ultimately armed, armored, equipped and funded the very people we had been fighting.

We have seen governors issue mandates that are contrary to our Bill of Rights. We have also seen them destroy jobs and the economy with unnecessary and unwise edicts in the name of health security. “We must close health clubs, churches and mom and pop stores but we must allow bars, liquor stores and big box enterprises to remain open.”

Voting in person is dangerous to your health. Therefore, in your best interest, we will mass mail a ballot to the address last on file for a person once to have recorded that location as their own. When filled out and a signature affixed, allow your neighbor or friendly local political operative to take custody of it. We will shut down the counting in the wee hours of the morning and when we resume, the vote count will be quite different from the earlier count and trend.

“Why have thousands of man hours and millions of dollars been spent searching for a cause to indict a sitting and/or former president.” “Why have many print, cable and broadcast media, social media, prominent entertainers and even government officials and bureaucrats been enlisted to promote the idea that there is something wrong justifying the inane search.”

“Why has the current administration encouraged millions of non-vetted or casually vetted immigrants from around the globe to invade our country?” “Why has the current administration recently reduced the number of vetting questions from forty to just five for insurgents from our leading adversary, China?” Why have some students been shunned from in-class learning for sub-standard remote learning to make room for indigent foreigners?”

Obviously, there are people within our own government who are willingly, calculatedly and deviously destroying our Constitutional Republic in the interest of global governance by a devious cabal. “With the examples and related questions above, is it still unwise to question who were the true perpetrators of the devastation on September 11, 2001?”


January 1, 2024

For the unfortunate few who deny or refuse to accept that globalism is real and that we are on a path of total submission to the rulers, here are a few examples of where we are now and where we are headed. The World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO) and other globalist organizations along with Marxist leaders of numerous countries are banding together to take over your complete and entire life. Much of the required grid is already in place and awaiting the final word to set the plans in motion.

We have already seen the dissolution of the educational system. Government run schools now concentrate more on Marxist social engineering (DEI-CRT) and promoting the confusion of children regarding their sexuality and gender, than they do on academics. Few schools have greater than 75% of the students capable of performing at grade level in reading, math and science, and that is after significantly lowering the standards and norms. Despite their inadequacies, and to protect their egos made fragile by a system that rewards them for regular class attendance, students are routinely advanced in grade.

Personal data is captured by private companies through the use of digital devices and related programs. Some (many-most) of the apps we use on our phones and tablets grant access to current location, contact lists, photos, passwords and much more of our personal and private information. Many now offer personal information to the cloud via GPS in you car, doorbell cameras, security cameras, Alexis, Siri, Google Assistant, etc.

We carry our phones everywhere we go and they record our location as well as conversations. Many people wear electronics on their wrists as well that transmit more than we are allowed to know. Implanted micro-chips are the coming generation so we won’t be bothered with carrying or wearing our lives on our sleeves so to speak. The “AI answer assistants” may be recording conversations within your home, office and likely in your car as well right now, without your cognition. Say the wrong thing, even jokingly, and you may get a visit from armed and armored government agents. All this information is stored for future reference. <link> , <link> , <link>

If your water, gas and electricity are not on smart meters now, they will soon be. If you use too much water, the utility company simply cuts the supply at the meter to your home; too much gas or electricity same thing. Monitors at headquarters (A-I or human) now know when you get up, go to bed, watch TV, cook and whether you prefer a comfort level that is warm or cool. If you’re not already under the control of an AI monitor, you will be shortly. Balk at the algorithms and you may find yourself without water or life sustaining heating, cooling or use of electrically operated medical devices.

If you have any thoughts or questions about the number of ads that show up on your electronic devices after you make a search or make a credit card purchase, get ready for CBDC. Central Bank Digital Currency is the latest control measure of the globalist potentates. When a transaction is initiated, every detailed aspect (where, when, what and how much) will be available to the monitoring authorities. AI will determine whether you are worthy of consummating the purchase, even if you have adequate funds. Perhaps you want to take a trip, but you made a joke a few weeks ago about one of the many governing entities within voice range of Google Assistant. You may fine that your ticket purchase cannot be negotiated. And, the above are just the beginning.

Earthbound electronic surveillance is just so yesterday. Drones are flying now. And coming soon for more and greater surveillance and control of you and your life is long range observation…from satellites high above. They’ll know when you’ve been naughty, they’ll know when you’ve been nice even when you’re in a car or think you’re away from any cameras, microphones and you’re not carrying monitoring electronics. Photovoltaic laser transmitters and receivers are in Beta testing today. They will cast and receive electromagnetic beams that might even include mind-altering frequencies from the sky and beyond.

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024!