Archive for the ‘Illegal Aliens’ Category


March 28, 2021

Thank you Joe Biden. Your reckless and dangerous immigration policies (perhaps I should say elimination of existing, reasonable and effective policies) are already hurting millions of Americans. You have, in just a few short weeks managed to drive tens of thousands of us out of work at a time when tens of millions were already out of work due to insane progressive Covid-19 lock down policies. As if that isn’t inflicting enough pain upon us, while killing jobs, you have caused fuel costs to rise making it difficult to even interview in person where jobs do exist. It even costs more to re-energize an electric car now thanks to you. Less money and higher costs are not good for an economy.

Not being enough harm to “We the People”, you have allowed tens of thousands of indigent migrants into the country to further draw down on our limited resources. You have promised to share $1,400 in Covid relief with them, offered them free health care, free education and free transportation to the city of their choice, if they have one. How have they been harmed by our country’s undue and overly oppressive lock downs? Even healthy people have been quarantined in the name of “science”.

Our grand-children will have a tough time paying for your ultra-progressive Marxist/socialist idiocy. You have, with several strokes of a pen, destroyed the calm and order put into place by the previous administration. The polices that you wiped out had just gained a foot-hold when the virus from your adopted country ravaged the nation and they were regaining strength when you took office. We will soon be as depressed, impoverished and chaotic as the countries from which your party’s projected new voter base has chosen to flee.

Be aware. We understand what you are doing with your open-borders policies. You are attempting to turn red counties and states blue while making us all pay for the transportation of tens of thousands of otherwise illegal immigrants into territories where they are least welcome. While they would be welcomed by the local populations if they immigrated properly and legally and chose to live in our communities, they are not readily accepted when they are effectively dumped upon us.

Additionally, why are we expected to pay for their food, clothing, housing, transportation and education when we are struggling ourselves? I notice you haven’t bussed or flown any of them into Pacific Heights where Nancy Pelosi lives or Greenville, DE where you live or Annandale, VA or Rancho Santa Fe, Bel Air or Malibu, CA. Those are just a few of the all-inclusive and progressive areas that bought your way into the White House. I’m sure the home owners would overwhelmingly welcome them. Oh, wait, the residents of those areas only want them to mow their lawns, clean their houses and pools but not live next door.

You are spending more of our money on people who showed disrespect for our laws when they initially entered our country than you are on those of us who were born and raised here. Why is so little of my tax money going to help veterans or those who the Democrat party has made homeless while so much goes to people who have defied our laws?

Mr. Resident, why are you trying to flood our country with foreign bodies instead of helping your fellow Americans? Why are you spending $86 million of our money to house, feed and transport people who shouldn’t even be in this country while so many Americans are living in tents and eating out of dumpsters?

Did you forget, Joe Biden, that you’re deceitful, corrupt political party made you the Resident of the White House, and not caretaker of the world?


June 26, 2018

Oh, how we mock thee. Let me count the ways. (Sorry Liz, the devil made me do it)

Today’s big story is IMMIGRATION. As with everything we hear and see on the news, there are two sides presented, one from the MSM and the other from a few right of center outlets. The truth finds itself somewhere in between the presentations offered. In seeking that truth, we must be aware that the meaning of the word journalist has been severely bastardized. Virtually every news reporting comes with a predetermined inclination to influence.

Let’s start with some definitions

Journal: a record, usually daily, of the proceedings and transactions

Journalist: a person who practices the occupation or profession of journalism

Journalism: the occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organization as a business.

The media, be it print, cyber, radio or TV, tend to incorporate their bias on any subject, politics in particular. The cyber world is undoubtedly the most balanced, yet many social media interactions are edited and culled by operators disposed by a liberal mindset.

The “Main Stream Media” has the greatest influence on most people simply due to their dominance in the field of “journalism”. The left, or progressive (aka socialist) side of the political spectrum, unquestionably has the strongest hold on the profession; the loudest and most frequent voice, therefore the most influence on any story. They coerce opinions of their followers through repetition.

Facts no longer matter to today’s news reporters. What is conveyed to the public is willfully distorted by the opinion of the writer, editor, newscaster, station or publication. Trying to find the truth of any important matter is as much fun as Congress passing a bill “to, ah, find out what is in it”.

By the time the truth is identified, the damage has been done and any apology or correction that might be offered is relegated to time cloaked obscurity. Any correction or retraction is overshadowed by a more current and attention demanding announcement.

On TV: The news and commentary stations constantly battle one another presenting their interpretation of the day’s or week’s happenings. In doing so, often they will use clips from another or other stations’ airings as counterpoint to their own offerings of the truth in news. Then the counter point is mocked.

What I have found is that when the major broadcast and cable stations do this they almost always use FOX as the one to present. The clips from FOX News may include hosts and guests making statements about a particular subject. The opinions often vary little overall but do have a variety of personal interpretations. FOX uses clips primarily from CNN and MSNBC but often includes some from ABC, NBC and CBS as well as audio from NPR. A montage from this collective, however, sounds like a variety of voices reading the same script.

There are key words and phrases used in each clip from the MSM collective. One of the latest is, “…ripped from the arms of his/her breast feeding mother…”.

Wow, what an emotion compelling phrase. It provokes disgust and induces hatred toward law enforcement and this administration. Powerful and opinionated statements such as this do not convey the truth about mass illegal entry at our southern border.

Iterations of this phrase have been uttered multiple times over the past two or three weeks on virtually every major station by either pundits or anchors. The children, in each case are “ripped from the arms”; not taken, not separated, not lifted, not removed. They are “ripped from…”. It’s like one script has been handed to each leftest station and they are told not to vary from the script.

This is exactly why I choose to watch and listen to both sides of any political discussion. I know that the truth is somewhere between the hatred of the left and the apologies of the right. With the last administration, it was the disdain of the right for dictatorial policies and the defenders on the left for a country on the path to autocratic socialism. America should be somewhere between the extremes.

If more people would pay attention to other than just what feeds their own beliefs or emotions, I believe there would be a lot more calm and understanding. And if those people with direct access to events would accurately portray them to the public, it would go a long way toward easing the acrimony they now advance.

This democratic republic experiment deserves an opportunity to survive. History shows us that other forms of governance do nothing more than enslave the mass population while those at the top thrive.


April 3, 2018

For those of you who want to immediately call CNN and report your imagined hatred read into the title above please, at least this one time, take a moment to absorb some reason from this writing.

Using just a bit of logic, try to adapt the following situation to the current immigration debate.

A white Scandinavian adult male (we’ll call him Bjorn) here on an expired visa enters a locally owned independent grocery store. He just wants a better life for himself and his family. Along with him is his fourteen year old daughter, Margareta.

Bjorn gathers a pork roast, corn, some potatoes, carrots and perhaps a gallon of milk along with some hygiene products and cleaning supplies from the shelves. Margareta meanwhile places some gum, chips and an umbrella into the basket. Together they run out of the store as fast as they can with Bjorn pushing the shopping cart. They get three blocks away from the store and within a block of their home before being apprehended by a local constable. In their flight, they cross out of the city limits into county territory.

Using your brain, not your emotion, relate this situation to what you inherently know is right for our immigration system. Below are a few questions to ask yourself. I have already provided some plausible comparable situations.

1. After being questioned by authorities, should they be free to go with their largess because they were not caught within the confines of the store or even the city where the crime occurred? Illegal aliens, having made their way across our border are given a Notice to Appear and sent on their merry way. Many never show up in court and remain at large for years using stolen or forged documents to obtain work and government services.

2. If the pair was not caught and questioned within three weeks or two months, does that effectively erase the crime? Advocates for illegal immigrants often use the argument that he/she has been in the U.S. for X amount of time and, therefore, should be allowed to remain.

3. Should the store owner or manager be held liable because the front door was open for patrons or the back door was unlocked because a delivery was being made at the time? Many advocates for the illegal aliens say it is the fault of the U.S. for not adequately securing the borders. Then, when discussion regarding security measures begin, the people wanting to defend our borders are called racists or xenophobes.

4. Should the adult be punished for his misdeed? He was only trying to provide for his family. This is a favorite argument on behalf of the illegal immigrants. Bjorn showed his daughter that it is acceptable to break the law as long as the personal goal can be self-justified as honorable.

5. Should the minor child’s theft be forgiven because this is the only life she knows? She shows no remorse for her actions. She may even demand public support as a victim of immigration laws that do not support her “right” to be here attempting to survive.

6. Should the minor child be awarded benefits beyond those of her peers because her father is a petty criminal and taught her that it’s okay if the stated end goal is self betterment? Education, school lunches, health care, housing subsidies, subsistence payments?

7. Did Margareta have the opportunity to comply with moral codes and existing law; to apply for permanent legal residency? Did her dad? This is a question that advocates for illegal immigrants refuse to ask or answer.

Ya gotta love the cries of the “Dreamers”. Their illegal entry was forgiven by a lawless president. They have been taught by our public schools (at taxpayer expense and the educational cost to other students, I might add) that just because they came here as youth or young adults, through no fault of their own, that they are owed all the rights and benefits associated with citizenship.

They are owed! They are owed lawyers at taxpayer expense. They are owed a SNAP card and account. They are owed an education. They are owed driver licenses. They are owed health care and medical treatment. They are owed free tuition or instate tuition at state colleges and universities. They are even owed an “Obama Phone”, cable access and high speed internet connection (in some cases, a computer to make the connection). They are owed an interpreter and “first-in-line” placement and accommodations for not speaking and understanding the language. They are owed the benefit of doubt when committing minor crimes.

Let’s use some intelligence and start with the premise that they are law breakers, minors or not! Rectify the first misdemeanor. Go home and start the legal process. Then we can work on the rest.

Yes, we can and should help some of the people escaping extreme danger or tyranny. But we are not obligated to accept everybody who wants to live here and change our laws and culture to match those they fled. English is our language. Enforced laws used to be our way of order.


December 18, 2014

Here’s a typical action, response, rejoinder by government.

In spite of having abundant Border Patrol agents on Homeland Security’s payroll, many are intentionally assigned to duty too far from the border to effectively curtail movement of those illegally in the United States. A large number, closer to points of entry, are now on duty changing diapers, housing, clothing, feeding and generally overseeing detainees who should be given some water and charged for the bus ride back home.

Once an illegal entrant is apprehended, in most cases, law enforcement officers and agents are now only able to obtain available (often verbal) identification of the individual challenged and issue a citation with a court date (not unlike when you receive a ticket for a misdemeanor traffic violation).

According to “The Hill” 12-15-14, Jeh Johnson is bemoaning the money allowed by Congress for his agency to continue doing less while he tells subordinate agents to disobey their lawful oath. Bear in mind, there has not been a budget passed since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. The federal government has been funded primarily under Continuing Resolutions.

Look for the same pissy and impertinent response from Jeh Johnson that President Obama took when ordering the closure of national parks including the World War II memorial.  He did that in defiance of the sequestration that he, Pelosi and Reid proffered in order to coerce enough votes to pass a previous CR.

In the spring of 2011, President Obama let it be known by his words and actions that the likelihood of deportation was severely diminished. The surge of illegal entrants began shortly thereafter encumbering security forces along the nation’s southern border. The crescendo continues due to administratively mandated law enforcement stand-down.

In response to the additional crossings, ICE and Border Patrol agents are restricted from taking the actions to which they swore lawful adherence upon their hire.  They are not allowed to screen entrants to identify if they are foreign agents here to do harm to U.S. citizens. That screening comes after, and only if, the illegal immigrant chooses to stop by for his or her court date.

Remember, sequestration didn’t affect Michelle’s $100 million +/- trip to Africa. Sequestration hasn’t hampered any presidential R&R to the Vinyard or Hawaii. Sequestration did not curtail any golf games or multi-million dollar Air Force One jaunts to fundraisers. Sequestration did illuminate Obama’s disdain for U.S. military troops and veterans and the security they provide.

To paraphrase an old saying, Like marionette, like Secretary.


August 28, 2014

How can Californians shoot themselves in the foot while punching the ballot to take all firearms away from residents?

Not only are businesses scurrying to North Dakota, Idaho, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona to escape the excess taxes and ridiculous regulations that make them less competitive, the rational citizens who are willing to work are following those jobs. Soon the entire state will be made up of illegal aliens with driver licenses but no insurance, Welfare and Medicaid recipients and the governing progressives who drove away all the productive people and businesses.

Governor “Moonbeam” is also driving the state further into the hole. Currently, according to the favorably massaged government figures, 11% of the state’s total population is drawing down on the state coffers. That means 9 people earning an income are supporting themselves, their families and collectively one other unknown individual.

EBT, Medicaid and Welfare assistance, with its myriad subordinate state entitlements, drawing from the state coffers contribute heavily to the annual deficit which continues to climb from 6%. Each resident, working or not, is responsible for $11K of the overspent and mismanaged funds. As the state’s $400 billion debt continues to grow, it provides the Democrat in Charge, an opportunity to raise taxes on the few remaining citizens still able to buy their own food.

I recently ran across an article in the LA Times that stated Governor Brown is only fanning the wildfire. He called America “the other Mexico” and welcomed all immigrants by stating that it didn’t matter if they had permission to be in the United States, they were welcome in California.

I guess he needs more bodies to fill the void left by businesses and families leaving the insanity.

Think of that! More children who cannot even speak or understand English bringing greater burden to the already failing school system. More unskilled and under-educated adults to pick the broccoli and oranges and fluff motel pillows and clean floors so that their American equivalents cannot even supplement their Welfare checks with those jobs. Need I mention, the financial burden imposed on drivers with insurance when more uninsured drivers are unleashed on the streets and highways in unsafe vehicles?

Of course, the “new residents” are allowed driver licenses without the normal proof of identity required of U.S. born citizens. Once obtained, that picture I.D. allows them to register to vote in any or all precinct(s) and vote as directed by the local ACORN affiliate.

I suppose the good news is that Governor Brown is expected to throw his hat into the ring for president in 2016. A Moonbeam presidency could only be a continuation of Obama’s goal to ultimately collapse the country, making way for a One World Caliphate.

Now you know why I recently left the state. Good bye, California