Archive for August, 2020


August 21, 2020

California, Washington, Oregon, New York and other liberal bastions (primarily large cities therein) are losing population and revenue daily. Why? People who voted time and again to raise taxes recognize they can no longer afford to live in the environments they created. They can not continue to provide free health care and other social services to drug addicts and illegal aliens.

Other people, who want more acceptable uses for their income extortion taxes are filling moving vans headed for more user friendly points as well. Rather than frustrating themselves fighting the idiots by engaging in the lengthy process of changing the laws in their home states, they are moving to places where people express more sanity. Conservatives who can no longer stand abusive and ineffectual government intrusion are forced by common sense to move from these areas.

The big problem is that when liberals relocate they take their mindset with them. People who infiltrate our country by crossing our borders when nobody’s looking tend to maintain allegiance to their home countries. Likewise, the liberals fleeing their self-created situations continue to vote the same way in their new homes. They are leaving the third world environments they created only to change their new habitats into like situations. They’re liberals, therefore, they will do it right this time.

The socialism they’ve been trained to think they want is what they keep getting in small doses. They don’t care for it once they see the negative impact it has on them directly and they run from it. After years of public education followed, in many cases, by four years listening to more Marxist professors instill the virtues of Marxist/socialism and communism, it is hard to begin thinking and seeing for themselves for the first time. Once out of the public and ivy league indoctrination camps, they are fed more of the same Marxist propaganda through the constant bombardment of cable and online disinformation. They refuse to watch, read or otherwise expose themselves to facts or competing information.

It is unnatural to awaken from a deep sleep and immediately open ones eyes to sun light. It hurts! One has to adjust slowly. It is necessary to close ones eyes again or look away, glancing back briefly, turning away again then glancing again until the light (or the truth) can be seen with clarity. It is then accepted. Just as the eyes have to adjust and adapt to a bright light, the mind has to overcome decades of instilled indoctrination. It is not a rapid transformation.

Meanwhile, the Red states of the country, being invaded by Marxist trained know-naughts, begin to deteriorate. Democrat induced inverse gentrification begins to destroy otherwise serene suburban areas.

One current example to drive businesses and wealthy people (the tax base) away in a big hurry, is a bill by Reform California. Reform California proposed AB 2088 (aka prop 15). If passed, the bill would assess an income and wealth tax on businesses, individuals and families deemed “wealthy” for 10 years after leaving the state.

If this assembly bill becomes law, there will be an exodus from California of sane people, with or without wealth, knowing they will be next. Wealthy liberals will also flee as soon as their eyes adjust to the reality of what they’ve done to themselves and their neighbors. California will soon be known as the home of the homeless and the illegal alien surfers.


August 14, 2020

Any nine-year-old should be able to tell that Joe Biden, the former vice president, is incapable of completing a thought with words. He does it time and time again, even when he is reading from Teleprompters. His mind wanders as he reflects on things of long ago that may, or may not, have happened. Certainly, if they did happen, it’s plain to see that they did not occur as described. This is the man who is vying to replace the current president.

It was evident from the very beginning of his campaign that something was not right. Through the debates with his Democrat colleagues, he faltered, misstated facts and drifted from questions. He often ended his chances to speak by stammering through non-cohesive thoughts with incomplete sentences. Lacking any recognition of his faux pas he moved on with the assuredness of a deft political emissary.

The party let him slide. He had the name recognition and political clout of the skilled politician he once was. He was “likable Joe”, “lunch bucket Joe”. He and his team of professional pocket-pickers are able to raise large sums of money. Money is not only necessary but a fundamental objective for any candidate’s viability.

For him to remain in the arena, his handlers found it necessary for him to be backed by a woman; not just any woman mind you, but a woman of color. Damn the competence or accomplishments, bring in a person who meets the qualifications listed in the Manual of Marxist Identity Politics.

Enter Kamala Harris, stage left. The child of a mother born in India and a father from Jamaica, this bright and articulate woman checks all the identity boxes for the V.P. ticket. With contradiction, she fills other slots as well. Once a District Attorney for San Francisco and Attorney General for the State of California, she now backs anarchist and subversive groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter…a must for any Democrat. She put thousands of people in jail for smoking or possessing small amounts of marijuana. Then she laughingly admitted on air to smoking it herself. She even giggled that she inhaled.

Obviously, someone has to carry the now lame and feeble Uncle Joe to the debates, should he make it that far and if and when debates happen. Harris might be the one to do it. Heck, if Biden continues his rapid mental decline, the party could flip and give her the top spot.

The DNC has laid the perfect minefield!

Think about that! The MSM has a penchant to twist and turn everything Trump says, or has ever said, into a negative or derogatory statement. He must muster any ability he has to remain silent. He can’t. Even a positive reference to the first woman of color as the nominee for president will be aired and re-aired, by snippet, to sound demeaning. They will make it into a slur, not only for her, but every woman, Indian and Jamaican. Of course, by projection, they will turn it into his global hatred for all people other than his own family.

This may not be enough for the party, though. It may be necessary to eliminate Joe from the ticket at the last minute. We’ve been baited, now the switch is in the works. Look for one of two things to happen. Either Joe is replaced as the presidential nominee by someone capable of completing a sentence with continuity or Kamala takes the top of the ticket by default. If this happens, she might even name Pelosi as her V.P.. Perfect! The two woman ticket. These changes could happen either before or after the election. In any scenario, Joe Biden is not projected to fulfill a full four year term should Democrats win in November.

A vote for Biden/Harris is a vote for…well, someone.