Archive for August, 2021


August 22, 2021

Over the past couple of weeks we have heard numerous times that there was no way to avoid the chaos of the rapid withdrawal in Afghanistan. It has been touted by the Gen. Woke Milley, Sec. Austin, Sec. Blinken, the Resident of the White House and his press secretary. It has been repeatedly promulgated by the media in print and across the air waves. And, to verify the misrepresentation therein contained, any valid points correctly identifying the lies and misdirection of the propaganda have been edited out by the national media and painstakingly scrubbed from social media.

There was no way to avoid the chaos? That question is answered pretty simply. Instead of concentrating on the reversal of everything assigned to the name Trump, perhaps starting the withdrawal the first day in office, or even February, would have helped. Then, following the draw-down and evacuation plan set out by President Trump and his military advisors, there would have been time for that orderly and honorable withdrawal.

Let’s say that even the woke generals of the Obama administration that you listen to followed that playbook. Starting as late as February 20 (30 days in office), as suggested above, would have allowed 150+/- days to load and transport warehoused and surplus weapons and equipment (anti-tank missiles, automatic grenade launchers, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and 2.75” rockets, Humvees, tanks and other large equipment). It would have provided the opportunity to remove or destroy valuable intelligence and the servers on which it resides. It would have given civilian contractors the opportunity to leave the country.

After removing the valued weapons and equipment, the large cargo planes could have been used to help evacuate U.S. citizens and other civilians from danger. Attack aircraft, strategic bombers and Blackhawk helicopters could have flown safely out of the area. But due to the ineptitude of this administration, the Taliban no longer has to rely on scooters and Tacoma pickups to move about the countryside harassing and raping women and children who cannot run fast enough to escape their brutality. They now have the use of heavily armored vehicles hastily left behind from which to fire what was once our heavy weapons. They have aircraft and weaponry to sell to Iran and Russia. At the same time you and your Marxist allies in Congress try to strip the American people of our Constitutional right to protect ourselves, you have armed our enemies with weapons, including artillery. Good job, Joe.

Rather than evacuating the last remaining troops first, the logical plan set by President Trump was to make them the last to leave. Our very capable troops could that way protect and defend the remaining non-combat personnel while securing our weapons, equipment and supplies until such time that they were brought home.

The plan was in place, Joe. Quit blaming everybody other than the recycled Obama cabinet and yourself. All you and your Marxist/socialist cabal had to do was follow the plan. It was there. It was in place. Instead, you and they chose to allow the treatise to expire. You chose to concentrate on the America hating programs outlined by the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory. You had your top commanders mandate that the military was full of white supremacists and racists and every Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine had to feel guilty, atone and apologize for their immutable qualities.

In just seven months, you have squandered the exhaustive efforts of the radical left who installed you as Resident of the White House in order to keep Donald Trump from a second term as president. They feared he might have continued to strengthen our economy and build upon alliances with friendly nations while debasing our enemies. Yep, in just seven months, you have enabled our adversaries and humiliated “We the People”. I know your memory is failing, but can you recall even bits and pieces of your sworn oath, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”.

Ya ain’t done none of it, Joe. An orderly and honorable withdrawal was possible.


August 20, 2021

As Rod Serling might say, “Imagine if you would, a country that manipulated an election to install a stumbling, mumbling and bumbling dementia ridden joke as the figurehead of that country.” Beyond that, he chose as his Vice President a woman who couldn’t command the respect of 13% of the voters within her own state, against three other candidates, as a candidate for the national office.

That, my friends, is exactly what happened and the results of it. Now we have a situation where everybody wants the White House Resident out of the position and the House, but nobody, Democrats or most certainly Republicans, want the V.P. to move in. Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

Anybody who still believes, not just says but believes, Joe Biden honestly won the 2020 election must have been hiding in his basement with him during the entire campaign season. Joe, when he did emerge from down under, couldn’t draw enough supporters to fill a dozen 6′ circles in a small arena or enough cars at a drive in theater to fill a photo frame.

His opponent, however, filled venues with seating for tens of thousands of loudly exuberant fans with overflow crowds of thousands wearing red hats waiting outside in the rain or, in some cases, 100 degree+ temperatures. There were almost weekly boat parades on lakes, harbors and rivers flying TRUMP 2020 pennants. There were car and truck rallies for the re-election of President Trump that stretched for almost 100 of the 144 miles along Hwy 17 between Phoenix and Flagstaff, AZ. Virtually everywhere you looked, in every state, there were large yard signs, flags and pennants for a Trump/Pence return to office. Very few cars around the nation had tiny bumper stickers for Biden/Harris.

As Resident, Biden signed a plethora of Executive Orders in his first 100 days in office, many of which he only knew by the Cliff Notes written by his handlers. Among those were 24 reversals of policies instituted by President Trump to overcome the eight years of Obama’s attempt to defeat capitalism.

It has been eight months since he mumbled his way through his inauguration and in that short time he has made a complete laughing stock of America. He has shut down our energy independence. He has bolstered OPEC (and other political and economic adversaries) once again. He removed sanctions from Russia’s pipeline completion. His Sec. of State, Anthony Blinken, was publicly humiliated by Chinese representatives. His reversal of the previous admins border policy is an international disaster allowing Covid ridden and destitute migrants from over 100 countries to invade our once sovereign land.

Additionally, he has eliminated merit-based hiring within government in favor of gender and ethnic priorities. He has authorized, nay; mandated, the military commanders to institute preference of America-hating and soldier to soldier hating programs over combat readiness training. He has again leveled business killing restrictions on small businesses. He also signed budget busting legislation that will cause the next 2-3 generations more debt than they can repay.

His latest fiasco is the Afghanistan withdrawal (read: retreat). By allowing the Trump/Pompeo interim peace treatise with the Taliban to expire back in May, and not beginning a peaceful withdrawal when he took office, he created a deadly and chaotic situation for Americans and our allies within the country. The enemy, from whom we pretended to protect the Afghan people for almost 20 years (Operation Enduring Freedom Oct. 2001), is now in possession of tens of billions of American dollars worth of weapons, equipment, supplies and perhaps even some intelligence accumulated over the two decades. The Taliban is now in control of the Afghan government and is inflicting the repressing, dictatorial authority of Sharia over the people. At least one woman has already been murdered not wearing her burqa in public.

Thank you Joe Biden from the American and Afghan people.


August 18, 2021

There seems to be a desperate seriousness to get everyone in the world vaccinated against a virus that continues to mutate. The Biden Department of Defense, earlier this year, was even going to vaccinate 40 terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay. Most of whom have been quarantined for a decade or longer. There’s no sane reason. Public outcry caused the Pentagon to pause such plans for priority vaccination of people not part of society or who have not intermingled with potentially virulent individuals for ten years saying that vulnerable American citizens should be first to receive the mandated inoculations. As of yet, many have not.

Teachers are still using the vaccine as an excuse not to conduct in-person teaching. Airline and public transportation officials have threatened not to allow un-vaccinated the availability to board. It is speculated that soon it may be impossible to enter government buildings, campgrounds or parks without proof of vaccination.

Many schools are not allowing athletes to participate in sports until they are fully vaccinated despite the fact that younger persons are far less likely to become sick. In truth, people under the age of 30 are more likely to suffer ill effects from the vaccine(s) than the virus. Over 300 persons under the age of 17 have had severe to debilitating reactions, including death, after receiving one or both inoculations. VAERS reported 2,043 vaccine deaths in the week prior to July 7 compared to 1,505 COVID-19 deaths.

The currently available vaccines are also producing a higher incidence of other health problems in persons under the age of twenty-five than the virus does. As well, according to NBC news (7-30-21), 125,682 vaccinated people in 38 states have tested positive for Covid and this number continues to rise. These are only the cases reported to VAERS. And, the CDC reports that almost 75% of the recent breakout of Covid in Massachusetts were previously vaccinated individuals.

With variants arising, there is an extra effort to vaccinate the world despite facts illustrating that the mutations, while more transmissible than their earlier counterparts, are less harmful.

Call me an anti-vaxxer if you will. I really have nothing against vaccines. To be truthful, I believe that anything that keeps us healthy and allows us to live a long healthy life is a good thing. The problem I have is with the extra added ingredients; mercury, aluminum, etc. as well as the altering of our RNA and DNA. It’s like Congress writing a bill for health and safety that includes selective abortion funding for Planned Parenthood.

Six months after the major introduction of vaccines to combat Covid-19 we are beginning to see that they are not as effective as touted. Many vaccinated people are now contracting the disease, some with deadly results. Six of the fifty-one (12%) Democrats who fled Texas for D.C. tested positive for Covid-19 despite all of them being vaccinated.

We are told to get vaccinated, wear a mask, wash hands frequently like you’ve been eating Cheetos and you’re about to take out your contact lenses, avoid people who haven’t been vaccinated, continue to social distance. These are the admonitions advised by “people of authority”, yet we continue to see Covid spike in certain areas where a high percentage of people have received 1, 2 and even 3 shots (including the booster for the Delta variant). As well, the open border is allowing tens of thousands of Covid positive migrants to disperse among the population.

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Americans can expect a “flood” of vaccine mandates imposed by localities and private businesses once the Food and Drug Administration waves the magic wand of approval. They are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to shut down businesses and shun people who do not comply with their mandates.

Shut up and follow orders. Take the shot. Forget about the potential risks to your health tomorrow, two years or ten years from now lest your rights, privileges, opportunity to work and socialize will be banned.