Posts Tagged ‘FEMA Camps’


June 10, 2014

How is it:
…the same people who want gun control also want their own armed body guards? None of them considers this hypocritical? To me, self protection is my right. Protection from a tyrannical government is a right guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

…that the same people who fight for the opportunity to abort an innocent human life can also fight for the life of an individual who committed multiple heinous crimes? And, none of them considers this hypocritical?

…someone hears “We will stand up in this election to bring about the change that won’t just win an election, but will transform America.” and doesn’t question why transformation is necessary or even what that transformation might be?

…hearing, “I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” And then hearing, “Under my plan, Cap and Trade, electricity costs will necessarily skyrocket”, raises no question as to what might be the truth? Consumers of electricity ultimately pay the taxes imposed on utility companies they are your taxes.

From the mouth of the first lady, “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” How can any thinking individual, not question how you change tradition and history without distorting the truth?

…people show no concern that every government agency from HUD to the IRS is heavily arming themselves while fighting to take away the citizens’ right to own guns?

…there is so little concern that closed military bases become “FEMA refugee centers”, surrounded by 12 foot high fences topped with concertina and barbed wire?

How is it…that we have willingly and stupidly given our country to Marxists?


November 6, 2013

Obamacare comes with sixteen thousand new IRS agents with arrest authority, some of whom carry weapons. DHS recently purchased and contracted to buy billions of rounds of JHP ammunition (projectiles designed specifically to inflict maximum damage to flesh and bone) in various calibers, riot guns (short barreled shotguns), and thousands of armored vehicles.  FEMA readies “disaster relief centers” with 12’ fences topped with barbed and concertina wire that make the Guantanamo Bay detention camp look like Disneyland.  Local and state police agencies buy MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles for city use.

Now union leaders want to arm TSA agents with handcuffs and guns.  TSA agents already believe their badges and titles that include agent offer sufficient authority to harass and detain people at will.  With guns and handcuffs, they can leave a permanent arrest scar on an otherwise impeccable resume.

I continue to run into ignorant liberals who attempt to defend their fear of guns by saying things like “You don’t need an AK-47 for hunting” or “The second amendment refers to a well regulated militia, not personal gun ownership”.  They have obviously not thought of tyranny.  I have.

While both arguments prove true to certain extents, they miss the point of personal gun ownership completely.  First, while it is true that semi-automatic weapons such as AK-47s and AR-15s are often not required for hunting, they do work well against armed assailants with ill intent.  Confiscating all of these protective weapons is a first step toward domination.  Second, you cannot have a well regulated militia capable of resisting a tyrannical government if the citizenry is not armed.  Therein is the reason for disarming American citizens.

This administration shreds the constitution with virtually every executive edict, invocation of Executive Privilege and declaration of Fifth Amendment rights when asked for testimony before a congressional committee.  The President presides over the firing of the military’s top commanders who question the voracity with which his administration debases unit cohesion and effectiveness with untenable rules of engagement that turn our troops into targets.  It’s almost as if our President and his appointees are preparing for a citizen uprising.  Certainly, their every move is provocative of such.

By arming U. S. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife officers with jacketed hollow-point ammunition, one has to question why they feel the need to take down a 14” brookie with a 9mm expander.  There is no need to use a .223 cal semi-automatic rifle to stop an advancing beaver, but Game wardens and Park Rangers now have them.

The cursory vetting of TSA agents is less than the scrutiny they put a typical business traveler through at the boarding gate. The American Federation of Government Employees now wants them armed and arrest happy.  Perhaps soon, every government clerk will carry a taxpayer-paid government issued sidearm, but yours will be confiscated.

Sometimes you have to look at what is, not just what you want to see. Reason for concern?  You betchum, Red Ryder!


April 7, 2012

DHS recently contracted the purchase of another 450 million rounds of JHP ammunition. At the same time a former Obama secretary, Van Jones, touts an uprising titled “American Spring” or “Rebuild the Dream rally” or “an Egypt-styled ‘Arab Spring,'” designed to rally the 99 percent.  We have seen the devastation and wanton murder of people throughout the Middle East brought about by the Arab Spring and it looks like it could be coming to a community near you, soon.

Van Jones, is a civil rights activist and advocate of violence to achieve a goal.  Like our current President and many we find in his administration, Jones is more than willing to use our rights, privileges and freedoms against us to overthrow the traditional Democratic Republic that has served us well for over 200 of the past 236 years.

Defense contractor ATK announced the award of an “Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreement for .40 caliber hollow point ammunition” by the DHS.

By contract, ATK will provide Homeland Security with 450 million rounds of ammunition over a five year period.  DHS also purchased 200 million rounds in 2009.  There is currently an open bid for up to 175 million rounds of .233 caliber ammo.

JHP (jacketed hollow point) ammunition is not designed for target practice or enhancing the skills of federal agents.  The design of this projectile is for one purpose only – to cause massive trauma and damage to animal tissue.  The purpose for this projectile is to fully disable through maiming or death any living organism into which it is projected.

A 40 caliber bullet is .400 in. in diameter, or just under ½ inch.  When it strikes an object, the hollow point causes it to expand to approximately twice its original diameter.  Expect the missile, flying at 500’/sec., to increase to ¾ inch by the time it has passed halfway through your torso and before it is stopped by a bone or an organ.  The intent is lethal.  This is not crowd control.  These are not bean bags.  This is not a water cannon.  These are not smoke or tear gas grenades.  This is not part of the military or defense contract.  This is intended death of civilians by a rapacious government.


“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.  We’ve got to have a Civilian National Security Force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as our military”.  Barack Obama – July 2, 2008.


At the same time as the latest government procurement, FEMA emergency camps are being outfitted to warehouse hundreds of thousands of civilians “in time of need”, $1.5 billion tax dollars are being spent to collect and store personal data in Utah and the Attorney General is acting in concert with the U.N. and NATO, outside the parameters of the Constitution and against the Second Amendment to confiscate all defensive weapons from We the People.

Doesn’t it just make you want to elect Barack Obama for four more years?  Perhaps given that time, he could become a permanent fixture in Washington D.C., a Castro, a Chavez or a Stalin.  With almost half of the American people already reliant on some form of government stipend or subsidy, who will be left in four years to counter the movement once we are all gelded, dependent and defenseless?


March 31, 2012

Our government is out of control.  The president continues to bypass or skirt congress to appoint radicals, create bureaucratic agencies that forge costly and highly restrictive regulating edicts to destroy business and control individuals.  The Constitution is tattered and tread upon with each presidential appointment and massive spending plan.  Congress has been neutered by the moves.

Former military bases have been converted to “FEMA emergency camps”.  Surrounded by high fences topped with concertina wire, they are said to have been transformed to house individuals and families in case of national disaster.  If that is the truth, why is there need for guard towers, 12’ fences and razor wire?

The NSA is building a $1.5 billion cyber data collection and storage center outside Bluffdale, Utah supposedly to intercept communiqués between terrorists and other national security threats.  Facebook, Twitter, text, email and phone conversations of any person can be monitored at any time in the name of “National Security” now.  The archiving of all such personal interaction soon will be norm of the realm.

Security cameras on virtually every street corner, drones patrolling our cities and countryside, communication monitoring and super prisons manned by government officials do not promote freedom.  They impede freedom and abase privacy.  The government is usurping our rights as citizens while telling us the intent is to protect us.  We cannot allow this to continue.

The Attorney General, as head of law enforcement for the United States, allowed violent Mexican drug cartels access to high-powered, high capacity and rapid firing weapons in what has been described as an attempt to show how easily criminals can obtain weapons.  This move, to some, represents an attempt to put greater restrictions on gun and ammunition purchases for the citizens of our country.  Many believe it was a harsh attempt to begin eliminating all firearms from personal use.

Given the above and knowing that the government will continue to appropriate more and more un-granted authority through the restriction or elimination our individual rights in direct violation of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, it is time to take action.

Amendment  II:  “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.

It may be time to not only consider, but also begin forming a “well regulated Militia” before it is no longer possible.  I’m not suggesting an aggressively hostile, subversive or  anarchist type movement, just one that may need to defend American citizens from an overly abusive government.

We the People must protect one another from a tyrannical government.  Our representatives are becoming more intrusive and dictatorial with each administration.  They have become adversarial.  Each change of guard only builds upon the domination of the previous one.  If we complacently allow the outlawing of all firearms, which is the direction our elected and the appointed puppets of the Executive branch are headed, there will be no possibility of protecting ourselves against them.  That is their goal!

First, they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

By Pastor Niemoller


February 9, 2012

One of my all time favorite novels is George Orwell’s book “1984”.  It had been over forty years since my first encounter with Big Brother and the madness presented, so I recently decided to refresh my memory with a revisit to the story.  For anyone who hasn’t read the book, I implore you to do so soon.  There are too many parallels between the fiction written in 1948 and the events of today to allow continued ignorance.  There are too many advances in technology and far more freedoms lost that could not have been foreseen over sixty years ago which serve only to enhance what was then written as fiction.  Even Orwell couldn’t have imagined the Big Brother of today.

Drones in the sky hovering over the citizens; reporting unnatural activities to the institution.  The Department of Homeland Security urges individual citizens to report any “suspicious” activity or conduct by family members, friends and strangers.  Once the report is filed, it is indelibly and unalterably recorded for any future reference.  Citizens are added to no-fly lists and some are surveilled for weeks due to a single, unfounded, anonymous entry by a disgruntled individual.

Bodies must be displayed in virtual nakedness for federal agents before boarding commercial transportation.  Refusal is succeeded by personal touching, grasping and groping by low level but loyal government employees.  Refusal of this physical assault can lead to lengthy detentions and offensive questioning.

Devices integrated into automobiles and personal communication devices allow access to an individual’s global positioning at any time.  Radio frequency emitting tags installed in product packaging help marketers and authorities identify where an item was taken after leaving a merchant’s realm.

Falsification of history, altering of evidence and destruction of factual matter as presented in the novel over six decades ago is taking place in our public school system today.  2+2 is 5 if the teacher says it is and there is no disputing the fact.  Socialism is the only way for people to have an equal opportunity and free enterprise only benefits the rich.  Children are socially engineered to chant complimentary messages about some politicians and disregard the works and advances of others.

Repeated presentation of altered images until they become real and phrases iterated and embellished until fiction becomes truth is the way of our news media.  Broadcasting lies and distortive propaganda into every home TV and computer as news has become accepted and is treated as honest journalism.

Cameras now exist in virtually every store and on street corners with images sent to regional or central processing centers.  Facial recognition software analyzes, compares and files nuances of a person’s physical characteristics in a central data storage unit for current or future purposes.  Matches are made with information garnered from other sources and entries are logged to compile extended profiles.

Fusion centers gather and classify information about ordinary citizens under the name and direction of Homeland Security.  Originally authorized and funded under the Patriot Act to coordinate information about potential terrorists between various law enforcement agencies, they have become stations of fear and harassment.

Laws, such as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012, are written so ambiguously that any application is indisputable.  NDAA allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens who are “suspected” of committing or planning a terrorist or subversive act.  This can easily be stretched to mean that speaking out against a government official or government entity is hostile and warrants such detention.

FEMA camps, a product of the Patriot Act and funded under DHS, have been set up in various locations throughout the country.  Some of the camps are converted military bases and others are built anew.  Rep. Alcee Hastings,  (D-FL)  authored House Bill (HR 645) — National Emergency Centers Establishment Act.  With what is rumored to be more than 800 locations, some housing up to 20,000 people, there is little concrete language for the specific or limited use of the government-run facilities.  Areas of many of the “camps” are set up to accommodate families, others appear to be for individual incarceration.  All are secured by guard towers and high fences topped with barbed and concertina wire.

Seemingly few people are aware, or show concern, about the subtle but rapid changes in our lives with the central government taking more control, usurping and eviscerating our constitutional rights and freedoms.

Orwell wrote fiction in 1948 that was still accepted as such in 1984.  If he had only titled his book 2004 or perhaps 2014 he would be considered a prophet akin to Nostradamus.